Any Pathfinder frens in here who have an active table, got room for a fren?

47  2019-05-10 by BurtBucklePants


Depends where you are fren. And if you like 5e was what I had in mind, and I’d like to do PF but if a Roll20 fren offers over roll20 that’d be doable.

Thanks for the offer fren (:

We should organise a group, I’d be down for that fren.

If you need a plus one I'll join. I usually bring back frens in my party if nonfrenly things happen to them :D

It’s easy to get players but no one wants to be the Dungeon Master fren. I’ll let you know if I find a table fren

I’ve dmed before (all through high school) so might be willing if we get a group. I’ve played 3.5e/pathfinder before.

That sounds great fren, me you and the frens here who want to could play. If we could get a fren party and you be the GM we could fill the world with hope and frens!

There’s not really a name search option on the site so you could link to one of the games you have under My Games.

I'm new to PF and also looking for frens to play with, most roll20 frens are in a different time zone though

If I find a table I’ll invite you fren : D

Can I come too? I need rp frens :(

Early bird gets the worm, and you may have been early enough fren!

If user Early_Introduction wants to DM you can be a part of the party.

I'm a frenomancer is that ok? Most parties purge me asap. :(

As long as you aren’t a toxic fren. Or evil, I am a multi class Paladin and cleric

You sound like a nonfren using words like toxic... Will my race and sex be a problem?

??? are you alright fren?

Just making sure I'm not getting into a very progressive and abusive group again.

What’s your discord name and #, u/WeirdIntroduction said he could DM for us

PMed you the info.

You send me the invite fren? I haven't recieved anything yet :(

What’s your discord name and #, u/WeirdIntroduction said he could DM for us

Have you set up a discord server for it?

Merkulator #5597

I'm free some nights midweek, it just depends what time you guys want to start playing! Do you think we'll need character sheets made before we start, or will we do that in the first session? (I'm very new to TTRPG)

Look up pathfinder Society fren, there may be more frens in your area

If I find a table I’ll invite you fren : D

That sounds great fren, me you and the frens here who want to could play. If we could get a fren party and you be the GM we could fill the world with hope and frens!

There’s not really a name search option on the site so you could link to one of the games you have under My Games.

What’s your discord name and #, u/WeirdIntroduction said he could DM for us