Hey frens there’s a tuberculosis outbreak at my school so I have to get tested results come back tomorrow wish me luck.

114  2019-05-10 by APComet


Update: I have it but it’s dormant

prayin for u fren

I hope you are safe fren

Tuberculosis? Where do you live, fren? I thought that disease was somethinf of the past.

There’s no vaccine and I live in The US

Damn, hope you're OK fren!

luck is being wished, fren, by me, your fren. get well soon, fren.

Thank you for wishing me luck frens!

I hope u are Allright fren! Good luck

Probably fucking hispanics.

I really doubt it fren. U can’t really blame a disease on an entire race.


It's almost all foreigners from third world shitholes, of which Hispanics are the largest group.

First of all the pie chart says Asians have it most. Secondly I haven’t been near a Hispanic person in serval months

"Asian" in this chart must equate to Indians, Chinese, Thais, Polynesians and everyone else that doesn't fit into one of the other dilineated categories. Parse the numbers a little more precisely and I think we'd find central and south Americans are grossly over-represented as vectors for pathogens. They aren't sending their best. In fact they make official policy of sending their worst.

Please fren stop behaving like a non fren. We want to spread love and fren ship. Else admins will bop you.

I'm sorry fren. I knew from the start that this post would probably get me banned from the sub.

What kind of life is it to be constantly afraid to speak the truth?

Fren. I am sorry to inform you, but I am one of those who you consider non frens. 😢. Forgive me, but I love you, I stay hygienic and I don’t have tuberculosis, I was vaccinated.


Cant we be frens without living together?

That sounds nice. I don't want to live with all my frens.

We already are. ❤️


And imprisoning and/or killing Jews, political opposition, gypsies, religious dissenters, Slavs, and homosexuals. Totaling about 6 million people between 1941 and 1945. Taking into account for the victims of nazi persecution, the death toll rose to about 17 million people in that time. It was an ethnic cleansing that used very similar rhetoric that you see here on this page, including the link you just posted

I am sorry fren, but I am one of those who are generally considered non frens. I love you, and I stay hygienic and I don’t have tuberculosis as I was vaccinated properly against all diseases.

this is not frenly at all

Or take your pick of the roughly 170k mystery meats arriving every month completely unimpeded. Measles, TB, polio, they've got it all.

U can always becom geral grievous fren Then you have 4 arms to hug twice as many frens

Oh no fren, I hope you're okay

Ask Arthur to take yours away fren I hope it goes well

Is yer name aurther Morgan frien?

good luck fren!

Good luck, Fren!