Got work in the morning frens But dont wanna go sleepy

194  2019-05-10 by Vercingetorix_1


That kitty is terrorfying fren

Now I’m scared of kitty

All nighters are ok fren, get some coffee

College days are over, fren. Need me some sleep or I’m cranky in the mornin

Minimum 4 hours sleep a night fren. Sleep in on weekends to make up the sleep and it won't do long term damage.

That’s what I do fren! I like night too much!!

Idk that seems kinda destructive

I should go to bed too fren! When I was going sleepy at the same time every night it was a lot better. I gotta get back to that! Hope you have a great night fren sweet dreams :)

Pull an all nighter and 2 monsters in the morning? Then sleep the rest of your life away


My fren, please take care of yourself

My fren if u aren't feeling to well in the morning just don't go to work. Your health is very importent :)

FREN. GET OFF VIDYA NOW. And take that ciggy out of ur mouth.. smoking is VERY BAD. You are giving in the the nonfrens by not trying to improve yourself!

That’s what I do fren! I like night too much!!

Idk that seems kinda destructive