just a frenly hunter passing through

72  2019-05-10 by NounAdjective


Pass on fren

Enjoy your Second A-Fren-dment right

Hunter's a frens to animals. They let them live free and graze in the wild before eating them, instead of having them live in a stinky, muddy square area so small they can't move. Godspeed fren.

/unjerk/ Stop posting shit like this


Why not frenly?

Nonfren detected


Remember to respect your local game laws fren 🙂

What are you hunting for fren?

I like your gun fren :)


Fren!! Is that an military assault-type baby grinder with a 5.456 bullet stability grip??!? Dont you know nobody needs a gun?!? Hunting is inhumane and the cops can protect you!!!