Frens, I'm questioning my sexuality so I broke up with my gurlfren today. I feel like a big meanie. I'm sad an wanna do the die. Idk what to do frens

93  2019-05-10 by weebxweeb


Don't do the die fren, times are hard and life is crazy, allow yourself the possibility of growth and hindsight fren

You are loved and the world is full of possibilities fren ❤

You are no menie fren, you must listen to your heart! No do the die fren I've been there too and staying awake for better times is much better than die fren!

That's totally okay fren!!! It's better to do that than drag her along and not actually love her like that!! It's totally okay and I hope you figure it out so you can be confident in yourself!

stop watching porn, fren.


who is that guy?


Great advice fren! Bad videos are destroying the minds of frens, turning them into nonfrens :( We need to encourage more frens to stop watching bad stuff so we can all be frenly :)

no man is free who is a slave to his body, frens

you can't ever truly be free unless you learn to control your wild passions and direct them in the right way

Hey fren. Don’t worry: 1st, we’ve all been there fren one way or another and we’ve made it through. 2nd, just wait it out. Life always looks different in the morning. 3rd, wash ur peen.

Why do I need to wash my peen?

Keep the peen clean.

It’s true fren you always want to keep the peen clean

Fren orherwise a gooey cheese will grow under the peen skin

Sex is for making children fren

Pls don’t fren it’s a permanent solution to temporary prob. stay w us fren

Fren, don't rush into anything and be easy on yourself. Maybe some time just looking after yourself is the best thing for now. You can be the gay later, just look after you now.

Love is love fren, and we all deserve it. It hurts a lot, but if this is what needs to be done for you and your girlfriend to find real love, then you will look back at this as the most important decision of your life. I hope the big sad doesn’t stay too long. Get to the gym as often as you can. It is free happy chemicals my fren. I am here if you want to talk.


Are you fapping? Fren that does no good..

Stay strong fren

Fag. Meanie

Don't do it fren we all love you

You don't even know him fren.

I respect your opinion fren, but when a stranger reached out to me at my lowest it helped me.

I love everyone who needs help. And I'll certainly love him less if he takes his own life .

And I'll certainly love him less if he takes his own life .

Conditional love is a big part of why these things happen in life, fren. Never forget that.

honest fren is not meanie fren. frenship more important than sexuality, fren.

It's fine fren. You cant control what you like and accept who you are.

Non-fren detected BOP

Fren, you probably know already if you went so far as to break up with your gf. So, that’s cool. There are doubtless hundreds of subreddits you can go to to find out more.

In the meantime, don’t do yourself in. That’d be no good at all. You’ve taken an important step toward being who you want to be, you have to be alive to take the next steps...

You do you fren

Fren, we know this is a tough situation for you. Keep going fellow fren! We have your back

No self-bop, fren! Tomorrow always better!

Self-discovery not mean!

'Sides, fren, you gotta see where it goes!

Why do I need to wash my peen?

It’s true fren you always want to keep the peen clean