Member to stay wholesome frens!

2942  2019-05-10 by ExpertSurprise


I support this message, fren :)

Based and frenpilled

Non frens are trying to destroy frenworld with the top left box


right box frens are being bullied. Why can't we all be frens :((

Though I may have a different sense of wholesomeness than you, I will defend to the death your right to express yours fren.

^ Found the fren.

the best fren

Defrenerates are still frens, but I worry about you guys sometimes. :/

Fren Don’t you mean “us frens” instead of “you guys”?


How are they still frens?

If you're frenly you're a fren. They're not hurting me or my frens. If they are they're a nonfren.

take the frenpill

I like the dark stuff tho tu fren. As long as the weird unfrenly racial topics are kept out of it I'm good.

Don't immigrate to frenworld then complain about our cultural values

They are jus non-frens waiting to turn into frens!

it’s not frenly to be mean to someone because of who they are.

Well I don't see how parodying certain groups of people is necessarily bad when done with harmless fun. And some of those pics are just referencing mature topics without shaming them.

Uh oh, do you like to play Yhatzee, fren? Non frens don't like Yhatzee. No dice I guess....

Lmao I made a joke frens!

ha ha good joke fren ! keep it up maybe u can becum comeedyin !

No. I'm not female, overweight, gay, or brown. Netflix said no comedy for me. Sad but true fren.

But those are all social constructs

You also aren’t funny.

Y u cry so ez my socks mad soggy

You’re right. This sub would make excellent stand up.


fren, you don't need netflix to be comedian

there are many fren comedians that are independent and are still cool

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Female, gay, or brown, no. But overweight, mentally ill and profoundly uneducated? Definitely, fren.

Honk honk.

I love you fern no homo(but if you homo it’s good)

If the good lord giveth me plants that produce highs who am I to deny his creation?

I love my family and my frens.❤️

Topminds wants to take this from you my frens


No, the topminds are all here posting frogs and baby talking anti semitism!

Toppest of minds!


No degeneracy up in this hiz-ouse fren

The guy who posted the mlp is a mlp fan

Big if tru

Such a hate sub propagating good family values /s

You are correnct, Lenin. Pls tell nonfrens about this. We are a sub of frenship.


ti-hii. It's even in title :3

Oh now I see it, the clown pill is a recognition of the red pill and an acceptance of the black pill, thus it’s entirely based around giving up to our fate as the top left box. The fren pill meanwhile, is a rejection of the black pill and seeks to fix our society, but not with violence. Instead, by the promotion of the traditionally wholesome, under the idea that when given the choice between the top or the bottom square, people will naturally gravitate towards to the way of life that has worked for all human history. Essentially memeing tradition back into existance. This is why we are so hated, frens. Because non frens know our power. They know what happens when great ideas are mixed with non violence (since violence just gives our enemies the excuse to crush us). Thank you frens, I have been been thoroughly enlightened.

Well said.

enlightenment sure comes from strange places, fren! For some it's an apple falling from a tree. For others it comes as a frenly ms-paint frogge. I'm happy you found it though

thank you for your kind words fren.


Thanks Ben, very cool.


Black pill?

MLK was a fren who did this

the honkpill isn't promoting violence and it isn't exactly a blackpill. the blackpill is surrender, pessimism and sometimes even nihilism. The honkpill is acceptance that you can't stop clownworld and you just need to let it run it's course. Think of it like a controlled burn to fight a wildfire. That section of forest is going to burn, ain't no stopping it now, but you draw a line around it and contain it. All there is to do at that point is to just sit back and marvel at the flames, no need to run away and no need to charge into the blaze.

Hmmm, I see...

If I understand correctly, the honkpill is accepting that the world is dying and trying to do the best to contain while spectating its effects in dark humour. While the black pill is complete and unconditional surrender to the currents of fate. Thank you for your insight fren.

Pretty much yes

fantastic explanation, fren


whats not wholesome with the estrogen pic? could apply to me rn, except my e is in pill form instead of juice form

MtF dysphoria over-diagnosis, pushing for forced speech, destruction of a typical nuclear family; doesn’t have to apply to you, just a general theme.

whats not wholesome with the estrogen pic?

sissy boys arent wholesome

could apply to me rn, except my e is in pill form instead of juice form

Who hurt you and made you think this was a good idea? I'll go bop them while you find help gren.

You’re a mean fren. She is a happier girl fren than a boy fren, why call her mentally ill when she is not

She is a happier girl fren than a boy fren, why call her mentally ill when she is not

You have to be mentally honked to think this way

She is not hurting anyone by being a trans fren and she is happy so why be mean to her? She is a fren too

His face paint is a stain upon the very fabric of frenworld.

Why do you try to hide your gross alt right bigotry behind pictures of frogs?

I liek frogs. Do u liek frogs?

y'all are not very frenly :/

Be yourself fren! We accept you fren!

Trans people are frens. HRT is for frens. I'm glad you're getting what you need!

You can't start a frenmily and have cute little frenlings if you change your body fren.

What's so bad about not following traditional ways of life? I think that frens can do what works for them if it doesn't harm anything important.

If frens stop having frenlings there will be no more frens in the future and frenworld will cease to exist. We need more little frenlings.

fight the good fight

How is this not propaganda? I know many frens who enjoy dildos and weed, family and fun are not mutually exclusive.

This sub has simply exchanged one type of oldthink for newspeak. We shouldn't have to consult the 10th newspeak dictionary every time a fren wants a hobby.

There is a difference between having a vice and glorifying vice

Clearly I have committed, even before setting pen to paper, the essential crime that contains all others in itself.

There's a difference between encouraging family activities and actively hating people who think differently to you.

Sure buddy, r/frenworld are the ones trying to censor wrongthink

Yes, both topbopsofreddit and frenworld use childish oversimplifications to push their own agenda. Topbops should leave frenworld alone, as frenworld should stop attacking trans people.

How is this comment not propaganda?

You complain about thought crime then try to pressure frenworld into conforming to newspeak and doublethink standards regarding trannies.

Bullshit, use your brain. I just want people to stop attacking groups they don't like while hiding behind frog posting. It's childish and stops people discussing things rationally.

Make a list of your demands and talk about them, rather than trying to brainwash people with cartoon imagery.

I personally love debating and would be happy to make rational arguments backed by empirical evidence. Seriously I'll PM you some meticulously cited write ups detailing my beliefs if you'd like.

Unfortunately that's not effective for a lot of people. The other side has billion dollar hollywood studios using entertainment to emotionally manipulate people into supporting their agenda.

We use cartoon frogs.

Perfect, but post them directly to this thread. There's no reason to keep your opinions hidden, and that way other frens can decide if they agree or not.

But what is this side you speak of? There are many different political views represented in media, and they aren't from one coherent source as you are implying. Not to mention the dozens of explicitly political subreddits that would be glad to hear you out if it weren't for the frogs and intentionally crude grammar.



There's a difference between encouraging family activities and actively hating people who think differently to you.

Where do you see any active hate, fren?

There's also a big difference between disapproving of certain lifestyles (eg: getting high and doing deviant sex shit) and actively hating the adherents of this lifestyle.

It's "live and let live", fren.

Not, "live and celebrate degeneracy differences"



Calling people who like different ways of having sex degenerates

Where's the hate

Owo, what do we have here. You can't possibly be so blind as to not see the things this sub encourages.

actually no.

So you'll have to spell it out for me, fren.

And while you're at it, pls point out the active hate in this particular post.

Already did, care to address anything people write down?

Lmao, fren look how frenly we are to these degenerate pigs. I bet they just hate us because we're so frenly, bunch of degenerates thinking we aren't frenly. When are we starting the cleansing Mein Heir?

begone defrenerate!

Yeah, we can't have a rational discourse here that would undermine the purpose of this propaganda.

Idk wut half those big words mean fren. I jus want to be frenly and gib hugs. You sound like someone hurt you, do you want a hug?

Calls someone a degenerate

Doubles back and acts like a child

My oh my you're intelligent.

I called you a defrenerate bc ur acting like a nonfrens. U need to take it easy frem, being this angry isn't good for u

You call people a degenerate to isolate them and push your own agenda, you post about the importance of family and yet I suspect you have none. Good luck in life, this is a fruitless exercise.

I hab an agenda. That agenda is to make frens! I ur so miserable u dont like that then go join the 40% and bop urself!

Hey that is not too frenly. Those folks have a serious mental illness and need treatment and compassion, including not a furthering of their delusion. But you should not be encouraging them to contribute to that sad statistic.

Don't disclude our trans frens

I dont like clowns! Haven't you seen It?

Calling people clowns because they want to be who they are is not frenly

They're trying to be something they're not tho. I wish those frens could learn to become who they are.

You do not know or understand how these frens feel please do some actual research and stop acting like a non-fren please

Wow fren, I just looked at the data. 40% suibop rate. These frens are very very sick, they need help. The "help" they get now increases they're chance of completing suibop, so we need something different.

Policers bop their relationship partners 2x-4x more than non-policers. clearly, these people are evil and we must have no police. supporting the delusion that we need people to protect us clearly doesn't work.

Police are big stoopid meanie heads that support the anti fren agenda. Bls help me get rid of them too!

This is starting to get very non-frenly🥺

That's a rather nonsensical parallel, nobody supports domestic violence by police or anyone else. The logical reasoning is that the police job don't make people abusers but abusers tend to gravitate toward certain jobs. Is the parallel that trans don't become suicidals but suicidals tend to become trans?

well said, fren.

Trans don't become anything, they're born with that predisposition on a genetic level, as demonstrated through twin studies.

The choice they can make is whether or not to seek out treatment, and those who choose to tend to opt for the method of treatment which yields the most statistically significant reduction in suicidality rates. Which is cross-sex hormone replacement therapy by a rather significant degree.

This will not change, no matter how hard or long you bitch about it, until a more effective method of treatment can be demonstrated.

So either get to work, or come to terms with your powerlessness.

actually it does. NOT supporting them equally valid frens increases the chances of suibop. where d'ya get your information? @glinner?

But I support frenworld, not clownworld. Why would I support them equally?

because they're human beings who deserves respect and compassion like any other human beings (except pedos or rapists or other terrible human-clowns)?

I gib them all the respect and compassion in light of the choices they make and their worldview as they gib me in light of mine.

thanks, fren. now that is a frenly subreddit! :))

Respect and compassion =/= being forced to pretend that I believe an MMA fighter that pummels all opponents in the women's league is competing fairly or is a real woman at all.

Respect and compassion =/= pretending that the prevalence of this dysfunction has not drastically increased because it became fashionable


Don't worry fren, the lobotomy will cure your mental health issues

I know it seems like a ghastly mutilation, but it's performed by a DOCTOR, so you know it's good for you

Don't worry fren, the lobotomy lobopomy will cure your mental health issues

It's not your business fren, and you can just treat all people with frenship as a baseline. You don't need to go bothering other people just because you don't understand them. This is some really unfrenly stuff you're saying and it isn't funny or welcome here.

It's not your business fren, and you can just treat all people with frenship as a baseline.

That's what I do fren! Then they make nonfrenly choices and I treat them accordingly.

It's not your business fren

That's why they insist I use arbitrary and grammatically incorrect words for their pronouns and lobby the government to pass laws to criminalize people who don't play along. Totally not my business.

I want to be the person I am though

And the person I am calls them clowns

If you make such devastatingly bad decisions in your private life, what you really need is not people nagging on you for it over the internet. frens with bad personal decisions need more frenliness, not less, because you don't speak about personal stuff to non frens, fren

This is what I like to see frens!



this fren likes weed ):

this fren too, fren!

as does this fren, but you gotta be careful with the clown's lettuce fren

Whats wrong with trans frens, fren? And brony frens, clown frens, etc... they are still frens and we should accept them

not 8n my frenworl

That's right fren! Trans frens are great and welcome with or without HRT. OP is trying to be a bully and not a fren.

true frens aint about that trap life crackkka

Why do we have to accept them? They are non frens


i lov my frens ❤️

I thought frensworld is about accepting new frens how they are, but this picture feels very unfrenly :(

A good portion of frens from panel 1 are unhappy without knowing why. We jus want them to be happy like panel 3 frens! They just need some help to live better, more frenly lives! They can be frens in no time!

Frens don't like frens to be addicted to dissensitivization of their neural network, fren

It's cruel to simply accept all as they are. It enables unhealthiness and behaviors that cause unhappiness. An excess of tolerance is a dangerous vice.



Stop being mean. Respect our trans frens

trans frens

Go home clown!

Disrespecting people for being who they are is unfrenly and not wholesome. Shame on you fren. Think about what you did.

You have no power here nonfren

The power of frenliness in unlimited! You cannot stop me!

But u dont have any of that bc ur a nonfren

Okay, wait. I'm as frenly as the world, but you do realize there are some trans frens who actually like us? Shunning people because they did a stupid thing is nonfrenly.

I'm not a trans fren, but seriously, just because they're different doesn't mean they're non-frenly fren! Physical appearance should not matter, nor should even the political ideology, as long as they are frenly to US and are WHOLESOME. YOU are the nonfren and should he bopped.

being a clown and being wholesome are diametrically opposed concepts.

Explain, please, fren, I'm honestly confused.

This sub is for fren posting only, go be a defrenerate clown somewhere!

nice, and i thought you were actually being accepting for once when you answered my comment saying you accept and respect them trans frens. why so much non-frenlyness, fren?????? they are frens too!!!!!!!!

nice, and i thought you were actually being accepting for once when you answered my comment saying you accept and respect them trans frens.

I didn'd say that tho

so why dyou say «I gib them all the respect and compassion in light of the choices they make and their worldview as they gib me in light of mine.», fellow fren???????????????

why are some frens only frens with who they wanna be frens with??????????????????? why not be frens with the whole word!!!!!!!!1!1!!1! y so much hate, frenz????6??6?6?6?6?6??????¿¿¿???¿??????

so why dyou say «I gib them all the respect and compassion in light of the choices they make and their worldview as they gib me in light of mine.», fellow fren???????????????

How do clowns feel about raycis not sees?

nah-thseez bad juice good raycis bad luv n compassion gud <3<3<3

Lub and compassion are on my side non fren. This poast crystallizes that fact, that's why ur mad.


Fren, I think you're honkpilled.


You've been clowning around so long you've become def to all the honking going on around you.

Somebody has overdosed on their honkpills.

libtard status: obliterated (with facts + logic)


Is that loss fren?

Family first, frens!

Panel 3 is my goals, fam. Thanks for posting fren!


Trans clowns are trying to gib me brigAIDS! Ewwwww! Go away i dont want your brigAIDS!


I don’t know what’s wrong with sticking a dildo in your ass tbh

I’m sorry frens am still new, am bad fren if I do the smoke?


Clowns have convinced some frens that it's unfrenly, but truly enlightened frens know that limiting your frens' personal freedom is what's actually unfrenly.


This is not very frenly...

What’s wrong with estrogen, and who drinks estrogen?


This isn't a very frenly post now is it

crusader frens, grab your swords and your armor, time to protect frenlyness against the unfrenly phucks


Which way Western Fren?

is that too fucking much

thanks for the frenpill


right box frens are being bullied. Why can't we all be frens :((

It's not your business fren, and you can just treat all people with frenship as a baseline.

That's what I do fren! Then they make nonfrenly choices and I treat them accordingly.

The power of frenliness in unlimited! You cannot stop me!

It's not your business fren

That's why they insist I use arbitrary and grammatically incorrect words for their pronouns and lobby the government to pass laws to criminalize people who don't play along. Totally not my business.