Frens, there are nonfrens trying to infiltrate frenworld. They've been posting very nonfrenly posts to tarnish our name, and get us banned. Please check in /new and use the report function if you see any nonfrenly content. Keep this sub wholesome!

273  2019-05-09 by TaterNubbz


May they get bopped.

You report, we deport. No brakes on the bop train.

You mods are doing great. Mucho gracias.

This is an important message fren. This should be pinned

They can control the narrative if they post the kind of content they're raging about :'(

some people just aren't cut out for fren life

Thanks fren I will report to /new to war the unfrens.

Many tendies to you fren and to all frens

Will do fren!

Thank you fren. May you be blessed with chicken tendies for your efforts to spread love.

You report, we deport. No brakes on the bop train.