Top nonfren were correct all along, I am notsee

1166  2019-05-09 by supsubsup


Just scream and use echolocation, fren. Be like bat :)

REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE I don't think it works, fren

Do it louder my fren

Channel your inner tendie battle cry and see if it work then, fren.

see with ur heart fren, not ur eyes

If you ever need help crossing the road, just call me anytime I will come as soon as I can fren :)

I would say that is sad to be at not-see but that would be ableist and that is unfrenly.

don't worry fren. We are very inclusive here.

Frens don’t let frens notsee.

you can say blind, it's ok now

Being a not see and still able to browse Reddit, you are very mystical fren

nonfrens are ableist scum


No bop fren

ok im sory fren

You shouldn't call names, even to nonfrens

We're you a not-see all along fren or constantly being told made you one?

Me when presented weak arguments about gender pay gap.


You shouldn't call names, even to nonfrens