I hope my Frens don't mind me smoking. I'm trying to quit but it's hard.

78  2019-05-09 by darkman21


I did it with the gum fren. It sucked and wasnt the same but it took the edge off just enough. Haven’t smoked in ~6 years now.

Amazing job fren, proud of you :)

In the same boat fren. Try to taper off by switching to vaping and using less and less nic, it’s worked for a few of my frens :)

I tried this fren and just got addicted to both. Cold turkey was only thing that worked.

this is true fren

Vaping is more addictive in my experience

Agreed fren. I was using my vape indoors almost non-stop.

Me too fren. I was spending 40$ a week on it


fren,smoking is bad,it will deteriorate your lungs,you should try maybe the patchs,that will help you or you can also try vaping instead of smoking,and try reducing the nicotine levels in the vape each week/month,as you prefer,to fully eliminate that nicotine need. also,idk if you already do it,but do a lot of sport,it will help you clean your lungs,but also you will be more muscular and you will feel better and forget about the smoking. goodluck with that fren,and if you need further help,just dm me its will may be hard at the beggining to quit,but you will see,and you will spare a lot of money at the end

u can do it fren! Quit I mean.

Try Snus from Sweden fren. It doesn’t cause cansir.

No bad for teeth I think fren

Don't give up the good fight fren! We're all here rooting for you :) Don't worry if you stumble along the way, we all fall down. Just gotta pick back up and keep at it fren :) Nonfrens want you to be addicted and cansery and weak. Don't let the nonfrens win!

Me and the booze, fren

I did and I felt so much better. I got tempted 2 weeks ago and the fag just made me feel stressed out and I did not even enjoy it. Stomped it out on the curb after 3 puffs.


HEY FREN, i think you should start vaping, i heard it helps quitting 💨💨💨

I do mind because it means you have less days on earth being my fren. So, stop.

Exercise helps fren

Im also struggling with this fren

Get the JUUL my fren 😀!! I was a 25 cig a day smoker for 15 years! Quit with the help of the juul, truly a life saver. I NEVER thought I'd quit. Take the fren pill fren!!!

We have a dedicated smoker’s area to accommodate our frens. Enjoy