Hello nonfrens. I made this for you. Please don't brigade us and lets be frens.

296  2019-05-09 by Towelie62


You're an inspiration fren :) We should love our frenemies :)

Thanks, fren, it's a lovely gift You are very kind

Really wish nonfrens would be more frenly. 😢

This frenly subreddit is so wholesome and i want all my frens to join it

who gave you pinkeye fren

I've been upset reading things from nonfrens

Get better fren. Don't let them put you down.

There are no female frens.

that is unfrenly to say :(

My opponent is a liar and he cannot be trusted.

There are girlfrens on this sub, you just gotta look harder fren

Imagine being downvoted for not liking attention whores on this sub which abuse the fact that they have a wide hole. lol


Frens seem to be a unisex society.

Frenism is not allowed