They hate me... Just wanted new fren...

86  2019-05-09 by DasSpatzenhirn



Every "you have been banned by x" post I see from now on will result in a ban.

you feel like a big man??


Very unfrenly :( maybe u dehydrated fren? Should bring u water?


not very frenly..


:( sometimes frens need tough love, modfren is right

It’s better to ignore them because the rest of reddit may view these posts as harassment or brigading


I get they can ban whoever they want, but how is this a bannable offence?

we are a persecuted people

now I know what the nosefrens felt like during the hollowcaust

Now I finally know how my ancestors felt

6 gorillion of us have been wrongly bopped by them

Oh it wasn't that many, but my mother's Homeland was brutalised, annexed and her people were legally hunted.

Wales, it's Wales, tormented by the English.

Or my father's Homeland, Poland constantly besieged on all sides, Russia, Prussia, Germany.

Oh, I forget myself: no one fucking cares because we're white

Me too fren. Very unfrenly things happened to my peoples too fren. But cheer up, fren, it just proof we are actually privileged frens!

hall of cost sounds real bad for greedyfrens

I got banned from drama...

Most people did. They just banned all unapproved posters.

I got banned when I posted in clownworldwar


hell dude I'd ban you for talking like that
