All frens are welcome in frenworld

93  2019-05-09 by Foxy_Cleopatraa


Religion doesn't matter as long as you're frenly. Joy and positivity, frens.


They all have the same big fren.

One thinks big frens son is chained up in heck, boiling in a cauldron of pee and poo.

Not very frenly if you ask me!

I think you might have heard wrong fren. Everyone respects big frens son.

I think you should read the nosefrens book yourself and find out

I did fren :)

You must hab missed this part fren:

]What is the punishment of that man, a euphemism for Jesus himself, in the next world? Jesus said to him: He is punished with boiling excrement. As the Master said: Anyone who mocks the words of the Sages will be sentenced to boiling excrement. And this was his sin, as he mocked the words of the Sages.](


Be frenly. If they can not see, we can show them. Allah excuse myself...

It's important to remember that most /rightfrens/ don't live their lives by the Talmud, fren. We shouldn't typecast them as such.

one thinks big fren killed everyone with water except one boat filled with animals and 2 frens

Lots of nonfrens back then


Only if they behave

2 of those hats looks vewy silly! Can you guess which onez?

Bop! Be nice fren.

The left

One of those is silly but can be frenly. The third hat tries to divide the first time. The third hat is silly and evil.

They’re not welcome if they lady frens badly tho

we can teach them to not to treat lady frens badly

We are all frens, except for them nasty non-frens :( they’re not frenly

Which ones fren?



Top hats of red cat

Against Hats Subreddit

2 of those "frens" dislike frenworld




Check out my oldest fren, he has some cool clothes and a cool hat too.