Stay hydrated frens, but I better not see anyone drink Leninade

130  2019-05-09 by Krempsmith


Don't you mean nonfreninade


If you drink that you probably get dehydrated to the point of being near death

it's okay fren

hav some ubermensche-juice

All I drink is dumb fuc juice

well u gotta be healthy fren!

Thanks fren I'm on a strict tendie diet.

don't forget to lift bro-fren.

I do fren, lift when life gets hard.

Have a monster fren

boomer fren loves to mow his lawn


This lemonade killed Many frens

Goes good with bread from your local breadline, fren

They say Soviet lemonade is the sourest in the world!

I had some of that ages ago. It's actually pretty good iirc.