I just learned i got sudden deafness in one of my ears. Why does it have to be me frens?

173  2019-05-09 by aph0xx


It’s ok fren! Don’t be sad, things like this happen and you still have 1 ear left. Your worth too much to be put down by this fren <3 be strong

I have the same, fren. You get used to it and your brain learns to compensate, trust me. It seems much worse at first than it really is. Also it happens to more people than you think, same with tinnitus. You're not alone fren [hug]

Really hard rn, thanks for the kind words fren [hug]

Does that mean you woke up one day and were suddenly deaf on one ear?

More like half deaf and tinnitus Feelsbadman.jpg But yeah i just woke up with it

You'll get used to it. I know this sounds like defeat but the Tinnitus gets so much quieter with time. Avoid stressful situations, less multitasking, less internet, learn to meditate (recommend headspace app) and you'll get better and stronger. What happened to you sucks, but you'll get better. Be good to yourself and take your time.

hey fren, don’t fret! i hope it was your left ear, you don’t want to listen to that side anyways! i love ya fren

It was the left actually. Atleast i have an excuse when i ignore people lmao. Ty fren <3

I’m so sorry. I’d come over with a 2-liter of Sprite and a pizza if I could:(

at least you won’t have to worry if your left headphones ever break

stay strong fren

FeelsBadMan no more stereo

Sometimes this is in gods plan fren

I'm partially blind fren, you'll eventually get used to your condition and be as happy as everyone else.

Remember Fren. Better a not hear than a not see!

It’s ok fren, with the rate medical science is advancing I’m sure you’ll be able to hear again in no time!

It'll be ok fren. Go get a cheap analog watch. My ears ring thanks to working in server rooms for a few years. I went and got an analog watch and now when it rings I just focus on the audible ticking and tocking and the ringing usually subsides. Remember to still wear hearing protection in your bad ear!

dont worry fren, well always be here to help you

Fren, it can be fixed sometimes with steroid injection. Ask your doctor if it’s fairly recent, the longer you wait the less chance it will be fixed!

Sorry to hear that :( It might go away fren! I believe all things are possible with the best fren upstairs :) 🙏

It's okay fren one time I fell very very far and landed on my leg, ouch! Now my walk is very silly