Frens!!! We are in HD!!!!

3759  2019-05-09 by W0Odruff


Im crying rn this is beautiful


Bloomer frens :)


We're in FHD, Frenly High Definition!

Friendly and Helpful Definition

F is for FRENS is high definition!

R is for really frenly

E is for always being encouraging

N is for never giving up on our dreams! :D

I thought that N is for N-


-ice things for all my frens.

Ban averted

fren almost do a no no



High Defrenitaion

Way to go fren!!

This is perfect!!!

So is your mom lol

Butterflies are so fun, but delicate. Hope you didn't accidentally hurt it fren :o ♥

I accidentally ate one :c

Tastes like chicken

Wow fren, this is really nice!! I love it!!


Very nice fren!


Its a masterpiece. Now we just need a 4k Wallpaper of Pepe walking in a Flowerbed :)



Very wholesome post fren. After the nonfrens started accusing us of being unfrenly, we've been a bit different

I really wanna be a dad someday guys, and my girlfriend wants to be a mum 🐸

Do it fren! Be the fren you want to see in the frenworld!

Marry her before you have kids. It’s a lot more stable for the kids life. And I want the best for you kid fren!

Great advice fren. Frenly families stick together! :)

Just remember love is something created over time. Not something that dies off. So if you put in the effort, you can have a happy family fren!

High quality frenpost.

Made me happy! Good work frens.

How can anyone call this sub hateful is beyond me. This is beautiful.

Bufffrog approves

Feel free to talk to me and my son again, fren.

Awww this picture is so sweet

There’s something about this picture that I like a lot, thanks for sharing fren

oh no, I wasnt aware that this had been posted before :( I apologize sincerely fren, please forgive

And stinky bop minds of reddit is in 144p

My frens look so handsome!

This is high tier art fren, holy shit!

Make this the new sub icon pleas

Im happ fren

Aww little fren got a butterfly on his nose.

HD Apustaja

Wait so pepe is dad?

This is so wholesome, fren.



i'm so proud of our frenly community foe making this

I can see you so clearly fren

I did not make this art!! The original artist is under the name of David Burt. I simply wanted to share and I hope you all understand. I apologize for any inconvenience this has caused.

Broke: recognizing that your ideas are repulsive to the mainstream when the mask comes off

Woke: talk like babies to own the libs

I don't care what side you're on, just remember: Never fight your opponents on their advantage field.

Not everyone on this sub is right wing. I’m liberal and I love this sub

Why must everything be to "own the libs" and not "for the heck of it" and "because we want to"? Stop projecting, non-fren.

bespoke: cosplaying as brown shirts wasn't working so we're going to give clowns a try 😂

eh? the fuck are you talking about? who are you talking to?

r/honkler is that way if you wanna complain

bad bot

It's literally a thread about a nice piece of art. At this point it's beyond trying to decipher what the sub is about regardless of where you lie politically. This is plain and simple, a hate brigade by topminds. And as a lurker of subs both left, right and center I urge you people to turn your sights on the real cesspools - anonymous boards where people actually organize violence rather than every cartoon frog that catches your eye.

This is plain and simple, a hate brigade by topminds. And as a lurker of subs both left, right and center

leFt RiGHt aNd cEnTeR

Why are y'all so ashamed of how you feel?

Ok buddy 🤥


I petted my doggo

The future is now frens!

So beeatifull :DDDDD I LOV U ALL FRENS!


Burn and die, all of you

Want to send us to camp?



The nonfrens took this from you

This is an absolutely blessed Pepe

This is amazing frens

Aw I'm blushin', thank you guys!

HEY!! ITS YOU!! I love ur art dude, sorry I wasnt able to hunt you down so I could give you formal credit.

I accidentally ate one :c