Very kind words from Top Minds! Thank you, intelligent frens.

435  2019-05-09 by wingiing


It’s also getting more likes. The poster has over 50,000 karma.

report him and he'll get a suspension

use this to contact reddit admins directly

Yeah, I probably will. Guy has a history of saying things about killing groups he doesn’t like, including something about hoping the president of China drops bombs on America. It’s a clown world.

the best a topmind could come up with is kys 😮 very topmind indeed

Ah shit, here we go again.


topmind nonfrens should think are we the baddies?

they are projecting fren


When non fren doesnt know the difference between frenspeak and baby talk. BOP!

They have since deleted the post, along with another that says they want me in a gulag. Why are nonfrens so mean?

In their own heads, they think the way to make the world better is to make it worse for some.

In their hearts, they have no joy and want to hurt others because it's easier than taking responsibility for your own feelings.

They downvoted me there once when I told someone not to encourage suicide :(

He's so topmind by saying kys 🤯🤯🤯



When you're so insecure about yourself that you start a witchhunt against an entire subreddit because they posted an image that was slightly against your opinions.

Non frens: frens are horible people!!!!
Fren: wanna be frens
Non frens: KILL YOURSELF!!!!!!!

Using emojis to own the not sees :)

It fills me with great sadness to know there are so many nonfrens consumed by hatred.

Long-nose Tribe has no frens.

Over 100 frens have bopped them. Makes me think they're not frenly.

you can report them for this. accounts can be suspended for this kind of language fren

Imagine crying about people talking like “babies” but then seeing people spam doggo and pupper and acting like it’s the funniest thing ever

Their name is sarcastic frens. r/botmindsofreddit

If I can get suspended for saying “I need a weapon” on a furry post, then you can definitely get this guy banned if you wanted, fren.

Going to do that. Guy has a history of wanting to kill others and wanting America bombed.

Telling someone to harm themselves is a bannable offense. Funny, that this comes from people who think they are good people.

topminds is an echo chamber of nonfrens :( they are not ready for our fren ways

/u/jazzmarley who touched you?

That wasn’t very frenly :(


Who hurted topminds? Why are they so angery?

Frenworld: ironically edgy meme every once in awhile TopMinds: kys

Ah shit, here we go again.
