fren says trans rights

2  2019-05-09 by steve-0-tron


What legal rights do trans people not have?

The “right” to force non trans people to date them

in 67 countries it is against the law to legally change your gender identity, in 27 more it is legal but often denied

Thanks for this information, I need a little bit more though to understand what you are talking about.

Do you mean that in 67 countries it is illegal to dress or present as the opposite sex? Or do you mean it is illegal to change your sex on official documents?

When you say not illegal but denied, what is denied? Changing sex on legal documents or having surgery to change your sex?

If all individuals in a country do not have the legal right to change their sex on official documents then this is not a right denied to trans people but all citizens in the society, so I still don’t see any right that trans don’t have that others do.