Hi frens it’s the same fren who talked about being sick and in bed all day a few days ago. I’ve only gotten worse but I appreciated the nice comments my frens left me

16  2019-05-09 by AwakenedEvol


Hang in there fren

I’m trying

Be well fren, being sick and bed ridden sucks.

Thanks fren

Take 2 fren pills, 1 glass of hydrating water, and a good nites rest

That sounds nice. Will try to do so fren


Hang in there, fren, and I pray you get better.

Make sure you're getting plenty of water and vitman fren; sicky sucks, but you'll get through this!

Drink plenty of water and eat some citrus or yellow/red/orange peppers if you can, they fill of vitamin C! Get well soon Fren!

Hang in there frend

Might be time to see a frenly doctor

I did see my doctor fren but he said it was just because of the stinky weather

Speaking as a person on the internet, I deem that diagnosis completely false.

Probably but he did write it off as seasonal allergies. Way too much pollen in my area

Consume more locally sourced honey. Will rid you of pollen allergies, at least on your home turf.

Really? That sounds about as wild the stinky weather thing

It seems to have worked for me. Immunotherapy. Big word. Science. Fact. Knowledge. Wisdom. Truth.

Thanks fren

Really? That sounds about as wild the stinky weather thing