rude nonfren :(

1004  2019-05-08 by Dony_y


you don’t seem like a not see to me, fren :)

I can see you just fine fren

Who knew topmind was just a synonym for optometrist fren?

I don’t know none of those big words fren but hang on a minute optometrist has many syllables . Are you a topminds mom fren?

Fren my mind can only dream of being at the top of reddit.

Like the brown fren the liberals funded once said

I have a dream.

You can dream too fren I believe in you

even without my glasses i can see you fren, they lied to you

whats a yahtzee, fren?

Neon yatzees are frens who don't play with other frens :(



At least they names themselves appropriately, fren.

countymccunterson is a fucking prick. A sad, pathetic prick. He goes on r/watchredditdie, one of our biggest advocates, just to be rude and shit on people. He’s also the mod and I think creator of an awful sub known as r/Mayoboi, which is basically just making fun of right-leaning white people. He’s pathetic because he’s one of the only people who posts there. But there are a few others (also pricks) who post there. Such as u/spreadthemayonnaise.

All I’m saying is, don’t take him too seriously. He just wants attention.

what an absolute jabroni

you keep using this word "jabroni" and.. its awesome! its like the coolest word ever


He is welcome to be a fren if he stops being mean to others!

All nonfrens are welcome if they change their ways

u/userleanbot u/countymccunterson

Uh oh. Reported to admin for harassment, triggered cuck

Well look who decided to show up. Tagging in one comment = harassment apparently and on top of that you fucking report me. And the cherry on top you call ME a triggered cuck. Let the adults talk you fucking walnut

Well met me know when you get out of grade school, white supremacist.

Lmao I’m mixed race you absolute abomination. All my grandparents are immigrants.

They’d probably be ashamed to learn you hang out with white supremacists then

They’re still alive. And they’re Republican

And your fictional black grandpa is cool with you being a white supremacist? Cool. What’s Republican have to do with it?


Oh so posting screenshots of him is harassment but when you guys do it to us on r/mayoboi it's ok?

You're the triggered one, you're the one who reported him for no reason. Cuck


please be careful around /u/spreadthemayonnaise, he's a violent negro who was caught sending nude dm's to underage users

And u/PantsDeeJay. He keeps sending me imgur links of men fucking. He’s done it like 5 times now. I’m careful around them. I interact with county and Pants the most. Be careful around him too

Yup, he created it. He created it because of an unpopularopinion post. This user got him so triggered he made an entire subreddit about him


Yup. And then him and 20 other users spent a week stalking his account lmao. And one of them harassed me and asked me for bra pics to prove I'm a girl, then insulted me and threatened to Ddos me when I said no. They're fucking pathetic

Wait actually


Me, u/_Green_Shadow, u/gaiden_ninja, u/Mad-Observer, u/Danilablond u/Rainbow6SiegeCreator and a few others whose usernames I forgot :p


Oh, don't agree with me, or you'll be accused of being an alt, too! /s

Lmao/ r/mayoboi is the most pathetic subreddit I've ever laid eyes on.

Oh and also one of them sent a dick pick on a thread with me and those other users. I didn't know that's what it was, so I clicked. It was an imgur link. So I clicked and I was greeted with this naked guy with his cock out. And he didn't even mark the link NSFW. Fucking creepy as fuck

Oh god that sucks. Did you report any of them? Because I think that would count as sexual harassment

I did. I reported all of them. They got permabanned from r/JurassicWorldAlive and r/watchredditdie though I don't think the Admins did anything.

Well good for you. I hope the admins get their shit together

Yeah, hopefully. These guys are sick fucks.

nonfrens are very unhappy people, don't let their toxic nature pollute your day fren.

Frens are truly the most oppressed minority 😤😤😤

Heh you post in /r/the_fren



Explain yourself.

He’s the textbook racist that he preaches against. Ironic

Though seriously his page clearly shows the behavior of someone with some sort of mental disability, attached with his overtly high rate of posting, I’d imagine he at least has ADHD. But the anxiety and depression can be seen very clearly though his behavioral patterns. He’s probably either an edgy teen going though a phase or he’s a wage cuck in his late 30’s/40’s with no future. I honestly and un-ironically feel bad for him. I hope his life gets better and he stops living his life through boogeymen.

Just recognize that this subreddit is filled with nazi’s and be weary of actual bigotry and you’ll be ok.

It's not filled with not sees frend, it's a few bad toads ruining the bunch of frenly frogs

Chapofags aren't welcome

I know who our frien are but I think they don’t :(

hide the name please fren


Just wait frens, once masstaggertard hears about it, they'll label us all with red badges just like the actual nazis making the jews wear stars. as you can all see, I'm a confirmed pewdiepie / ice poseidon terrorist.

I’m a good Muslim fren. Aren’t we welcome here?

I’m also a Muslim fren :D

Good thing nobody here wants to bop Muslims, fren

Lmao I’m mixed race you absolute abomination

This guy brigaded my post un r/unpopularopinion lol

Well look who decided to show up. Tagging in one comment = harassment apparently and on top of that you fucking report me. And the cherry on top you call ME a triggered cuck. Let the adults talk you fucking walnut

Oh so posting screenshots of him is harassment but when you guys do it to us on r/mayoboi it's ok?

You're the triggered one, you're the one who reported him for no reason. Cuck

I don’t know none of those big words fren but hang on a minute optometrist has many syllables . Are you a topminds mom fren?