Reminder to love your pets frens

500  2019-05-08 by UltraDonkeyPunch


this is how it be

Very kind fren

cat = colonization and tyranny

You guys think you're slick but my constituents over at r/topmindsofreddit have you all figured out.

Its still too late. The glorious feline revolution will overrun all


One of my good bois had eye surgery recently and needs medicated eye drops each day. I’m amazed at how cooperative he’s been. Dogs are truly man’s best frens.

It's good to hear he's doing well fren

Thank you fren. The only issue is how concerned the other woofer acts when I’m putting in the eye drops.

What about the doggos and puppers or the Guinea pigs

Cat frens are my best frens.

I got 3 good animals :)

Thought I was on r/4chan for a sec :D

i miss my cat man.

yesterday i saw him from the corner of my eye

i still hear him

i truly hope he's visiting me from the other life.

I’m sorry fren, that’s wonderful

thanks fren :-)

oMG tHis poSt iS nATzi bEcAuSe iT haS anIMal

be kind to animals. all creatures great and small are frens

Its still too late. The glorious feline revolution will overrun all