He doesn't accept the blessing of being a fren! I'm angry with such people. Frenzone is a small duplicate of frenworld. Respecc or get bopped like a nonfren. >:C

63  2019-05-08 by BiAndrogyne


Frenzone is unfrens trying to trap poor frens and exploit their frenness. Frens, avoid frenzone AT ALL COSTS!

Frenzone is good, you get fren.

Frenzone is for losers that act like unbidden favors means she owes you affection. That's some clown shit, fren. She's not a hooker, you can't buy her affrention. "Here's a gift for you! BTW now you owe me $20." Not how it fucking works, frens.

Frenzone is when the ladyfren thinks "I'm so not into him, but hey, if he wants to keep buying me stuff..."

She'd rather have a guy that's honest about just wanting what's in her pants. So be cool. Show off your good side. Be interested in her mind and body, her whole person. Treat her like a person not a prize, not a goal. Be nice just because, and don't expect returns. You might just get a fren and a lover 😘.

Happy searching, frens.

This person sounds sick fren....