How are my frens today?

185  2019-05-08 by bigdaddypurp617


pretty good, but with a hug it would be better, fren

I know it would. Hugs always make me feel better. Frens need hugs to survive


Hug back fren

i love you, my fren. you make me forget mean nonfrens. thanks.

I luv u too fren. Thas why am here. To protecc my frens from non-frens

I am not too well,thank you fren, I needed a fren to call fren

We are all frens here fren. You are not alone.

Thank you much fren, my day is a lot better thanks to you, have a nice day my fren

You too fren. Don't forget, whenever you have a problem you can talk about it with your frens here

Another many many thancc, enjoy your day fren

Fren be careful, there is a thumb tack on your suit

Is okay fren. It's part of the suit.

I was doing okay, but now I'm doing a lot better thanks to you fren :) It's always nice to have a fren check up on you! You are dressed mighty fine by the way fren :) You really seemed dressed for success

Glad to hear you're all right fren. You are too kind fren. It's just a simple suit. I always dress up with my best clothes when I'm meeting my frens.

Looking sharper than a casket

U are non fren


non fren, are you OK? non Fren Are you OK, Are you OK non fren? (You've been kissed by, you've been hugged by a cute fren)

Hee hee I see what you did there fren

I'm sorey fren, trooth is, it was rigged frum the start.

You look like a smooth freninal.

c-colonel sanders?

looking good fren :-)

We all look good fren. We cute

Very good, thank you!

fren i hope i don't see you bopping any courier's