PSA: Remember the values of Frenworld and what this place is for

53  2019-05-08 by phitshoster

I have observed many pretenfrens that only partake in the huggy-feely operations of r/Frenworld. While it is important to be frenly to any and everyone, i believe some new frens are misunderstanding the culture of frenworld, and do not contribute to shitpost quotas that keep the sub fresh and interesting. This is the only sub that i browse by new, and i have to say the abundance of reposts and feel-good content is turning frenworlds economy upside down.

True frens understand. Lurk moar to convert from a pretenfren.



I will redeem myself with frenliness

Baste and FRENpilled

I see you topFren

You are a fairly new fren, but I approve of your frenliness

this is a newer account. I have been on frenworld under different aliases fren

Oh good fren, welcome back:)

Frenmods need to get on top of this,frenworld is losing it's culture :(