Nonfrens don’t want you to stay hydrated, no problem though, free cups of H20 at my place!

3449  2019-05-08 by ScuffedRomanReigns


I like milk better

Cocoa is also very good, but on a hot day nothing beats a glass of cold water :)

I respectfully disagree nothing beats a nice cold glass of whole white milk to be honest water is just too diluted it’s too weak

water is not diluted, it is pure

I personally enjoy lukewarm water. Healthier for the vocal chords of frens who REEEEEEEE alot.


Go away nonfren. You still won't unban me from r/honkler

You can explain your case here in appeals court fren

I apologized and everything and you never unbanned me

very nonfrenly behavior

Can u refresh me on your case?

I put Avengers Spoilers on a thread that AHS linked and you claimed I was shilling for Marvel Movies and banned me.

I put Avengers Spoilers on a thread that A.H.S. linked and you claimed I was shilling for Marvel Movies and banned me.

I put Avengers spoilers on a thread that was being brigaded and you claimed I was shilling for Marvel Movies and banned me.

Well you did frenly fire on our own troops by doing that. Yes even some of our honkers watch (((hollywood))) movies. So u hurt some nonfrens but also a lot of honkers.

I do apologize but it was commonplace at the time and I was just looking out for the subreddit by warding off brigaders. Besides, in the ban message you sent me you said:

Posting advertisement for electronic video propaganda. No one watches that bullshit here man...

Dude you hurt more of your own comrades than NFA. U droppeh a granade that bopped one NFA and like 20 honkers

I apologize for that but you seemed to be under the assumption that no on on r/honkler watched those sort of movies.

I'd like to move past this unfrenly incident and only contribute appropriate posts to r/honkler from now on

I disapprove watching anything on the electric (((box))) but dude u gotta promise not no hurt anymore honkers and i can /et u back in

Of course, fren! Frens first, always!

Okay ill unblock you. I expect one good post a week

thx fren




Another case supporting pure whole white milk consumption. I have 14 glasses a day.


this is the kind of shit that is dividing this country

u/spez yu hav blod on ur handz


Nonfren detected, activate frenliness

Was this post a reference to Ramadan?

Is hydration a controversial topic?

I suppose it is if it's a direct reference to Ramadan and since the post is directly referring to Muslims as "nonfrens" lol

How is this post referring to Muslims as nonfrens?

Open your eyes, read the title, and just piece things together


It is currently Ramadan. Muslims aren't drinking water because they're fasting. The poster is calling those against hydration non frens. (a very obvious nod towards Muslims) and look at his post history as well. Just piece it all together

This nonfren is very islamophobic frens, they are trying their hatred of Muslim frens into our luv of hydrating.

Why are nonfrens so hateful??


That's quite the hilarious stretch.

Probably, and certainly, satirizing that other post here recently of an article about how hydration is "a symbol of the alt right" which is a fucking ridiculous statement.


Haha bop. You're so funny you edgy retard


Remember to BOP these nonfrens with the report button.


H20 don't exist fren

Thanks for reminding me fren, I'll get a glass of water right away

the r/waterniggas thank you for your service, I'll take that water proudly!

It's r/waterniggas2 now. Some non-Frens put the first one down :(

Here's a sneak peek of /r/Waterniggas2 using the top posts of all time!

#1: this is so sad! | 23 comments
#2: I miss it | 47 comments
#3: Aqua gang | 27 comments

I'm a bot, beep boop | Downvote to remove | Contact me | Info | Opt-out




actually r/HydroHomies is the real sequel

r/HydroHomies is the r/WaterNiggas that mom says we have at home

yeah, but r/waterniggas2 is going to get quarantined just like r/waterniggas for its name. best stay with r/HydroHomies so you can survive.

If it gets quarantined r/waterniggas3 is 1 click away

Wait you mean this people are just gunna circumvent their shut down subreddit? Whoda thunk it fren?

It’s still there

The first one is actually back.

For me it says 'can't view community' :(

Open it on PC with your account. I belive that fixes it.

It's quarantined but it there

ShoCKinG Or HiGHLy OffenSIVe LanGUAgE

That doesn’t even exist

Thanks so much for the sub. I love it!

*glug glug*


thanks fren! I needed that.

Nice clout goggles, fren

i usually dont laugh at stuff from here but "Water Zone" made me fucking die

Thanks frien

Im fasting so i gotta wait till 9pm frens

me too fren

8:30 for me fren. Where do you live?

Germany. You?

I live in the US


Sounds good. Enjoy the rest of your Ramadan!

HydroHomies rise up

Thanks, fren! I was getting kinda thirsty


Thank you fren

But I’m fasting fren

I'm pretty sure thats the point of this post and it's referring to Muslims as the "non frens"

No it’s because an article was written saying that “staying hydrated” is alt right.

Alright. Thanks for clearing that up.

but fren I am fasting until sunset why make me extra thirsty :(

Thank you, fren. You are a good fren.


fuck off nazis.


not very frenly :(


Someone's getting thirsty.

Welcome to frenworld, fren ❤️ Please refrain from associating us with anti-semetics



Thank you

Is it high quality H20?

Triple distilled

wE aLL fWeNs FwEn mE aLwAyZ wAnT h2O mUcH bEtTeR dAn CoW TiT MiLK nAsTy sTufF fWeN


I think a fren has snorted some unfrenly substances

awesome goggles fren. thank you for the hydration, too, fren.

Very cool fren 😎


remember the fluorine filter, fren

Papa I'll cone


Thaks fren

Wata make me fweee. Frens for enteretee

I just heard if you support hydration you support white Supremacy


r/HydroHomies is the r/WaterNiggas that mom says we have at home