they’re all fucking canines, most furries are either canines, dragons, or cats. not that i have anything against my furfag mom furries, just 70+% are either dogs, wolves or foxes.
furries aren’t chads and this is coming from a furry somebody who has extensive research into the fandom. chads arent frenly, furries tend to be frenly more often than not. furries and chads never get along (the act man is the exception that proves the rule).
Well if you really want to be a fren that's cool! But it seems like the first post you make is being negative towards frens and you're a champo so it really seems like you're a nonfren. But if you be frenly all are welcome :) Hope you enjoy your stay!
1 Skelytal 2019-05-08
This is cringe, fren.
1 donnydealZ 2019-05-08
I thought it was funny fren.
Real Frens are able to laugh at themselves
1 RBleh 2019-05-08
don't call yourself a real fren if you've never posted here before
1 WakaTXranger 2019-05-08
Agreed, idk why this is downvoted
1 [deleted] 2019-05-08
1 RBleh 2019-05-08
ok but seriously "one of a kind outfit"
aren't there tons of chinese knockoffs? besides they all look the same to me, just different colours.
1 TrumpHammer_40K 2019-05-08
they’re all fucking canines, most furries are either canines, dragons, or cats. not that i have anything against
my furfag momfurries, just 70+% are either dogs, wolves or foxes.1 Windowsmeandme 2019-05-08
Bop x2
1 TrumpHammer_40K 2019-05-08
furries aren’t chads and this is coming from
a furrysomebody who has extensive research into the fandom. chads arent frenly, furries tend to be frenly more often than not. furries and chads never get along (the act man is the exception that proves the rule).1 donnydealZ 2019-05-08
Plz try be Frenly, i am Nu to Frenworld and I have no Fren to call my own. I try to make joke and make Frens and all I get is downvotes.
1 st-sheep 2019-05-08
Hey no worries fren. This was already posted earlier today though, so maybe that's why it didn't go over so well! You're a fren of mine though :)
1 donnydealZ 2019-05-08
Fren this hurts me bad kind
I am fren
1 st-sheep 2019-05-08
You're a chanpo nonfren :( Please don't be like this!
1 donnydealZ 2019-05-08
Like what Fren?
Why can’t I make nu Frens here?
1 st-sheep 2019-05-08
Well if you really want to be a fren that's cool! But it seems like the first post you make is being negative towards frens and you're a champo so it really seems like you're a nonfren. But if you be frenly all are welcome :) Hope you enjoy your stay!
1 EpiphanyDistributor 2019-05-08
this is the worst one I've ever seen
1 TheBoomerQuestion 2019-05-08
I havent downvoted a post in a while but this is trash