[META] If this sub gets banned I will legit lose all hope in humanity.

42  2019-05-08 by end_them_rightly

I have never been more convinced that we're living in a clown world than I am right now, with entire communities forming around taking down a sub full of friendly retards posting frogs.


Even if we get bopped, don't lose hope fren! That's how the nonfrens win. Frenliness won't die, and we have to keep it in our hearts. That's the only way unfrenly times get better. Real frens have to keep up the frenliness and it spreads. Sure nonfrens wanna bop, but they aren't gonna bop the frenliness outta my heart! I refuse! So don't let them do it to you either :)

We must never give up fren. We must always regroup. They are trying to break us, but our frenship is stronger. The solution to censorship is to eliminate the middleman. We must eliminate the middleman.

Who Is the middleman?

Anyone and everyone who hosts a platform. The solution is to use tor to host services and use it as a heartbeat to exchange services and create a mesh network of directory exchanges.


As long as frens live we must band together to stop the bopping

The most ironic thing is the fact that shit like this is what turns regular people into real fascists. You see them exaggerate everything beyond plausibility, turn everything we say 180 degrees and upside down. You start to shitpost and post edgy memes just to spite them, but just having insight into these extreme ideologies, ironic or not, changes you. I DO NOT want Nazism spreading around. And for that reason I do not support their "crusades"

The most ironic thing is the fact that shit like this is what turns regular people into real Nazis.

Except calling Liberals communists doesn't turn them into communists. Only the weak turn into real nazis when confronted with their mistakes.



Except calling Liberals communists doesn't turn them into communists.

Because you already are filthy commies.

I'm not a liberal, but I am a commie. You know how happy it would make me if it was as easy as calling liberals communist to turn them red?

I am a commie.

Yikes. Begone, Satan.

Oh wau, prejudice against me, i thought this place was frenly?

This place IS frenly. We don't support non-frenly failed genocidal ideologies such as communism here. :)

As a native man tho, the USA and Canada were genocidal. That Winston Churchill caused a famine of millions of Indians during world war 2. Slavery, colonization and all that stuff happened under Capitalism. Pointing a finger just means there are three more pointing back at you.

Capitalisms genocides were worse than Fascisms.

Great post fren, communism is the inevitable outcome of human development. All forms of individualism distract from the People.


Frens are frens no matter their thoughts. Communism is inevitable and will propel frenship to all


You don't haev hope in humnity, you have a poor substitute n thats why it's slipping.

Having hope in humanity includes nosfrens.

You should lose faith in Far Leftism, not the world. The Far Left is just a small minority of gullible privileged white kids. They will grow up eventually.

Fren journey with me to a land of extreme leftism where every person has innate value and it's cared for

I never had any hope for the far left to begin with.
