We should have a meet up one day like /pol did!

9  2019-05-08 by johnDAGOAT721

Frens of the world, unite! we can all meet up for pizza and soda one day... and play that old arcade version of star wars where you use a joystick to duel darth vader!


Hmmm or we could play starDOX 64 on my Nintendo

for some reason this made me think of planet Z in that game.

Wow what a bery frenly idea!! Not sure who pol is but let's get as many frens as we can to join!

But wut if the nonfrens infulltrait the meat up and bop all frens??

sheit. didnt think of that.

"like /pol did"

Hmmmmm........ interesting comparison

didnt they have a meetup?

I don’t remember pol having a meetup, and I would go but I have no drivers license ☹️

It ok fren, you can borrow my tyfrennosauris rex. He give frens a ride to hang out wif other fren if they no have their own frenosaur to ride.

didnt they have a meetup?