HELLO FRENS! What’s your favorite animal? Mine es el frogo!

24  2019-05-07 by r0b0t_LM



Birb frens :)) they go tweet tweet!!1!11!


I like dog frens :) I had two and they were good frens to me! Frogs are great too of course!

I liek puppers and doggers such good frens!

Hey fren I like dog frens too! Just a quick heads up doggo speak isn't recommended here too much. Just letting you know fren :) I still upvoted you though cause they really are great frens :)

Oh my bad fren, I didn’t know that yet fren

No problem at all, you seem great fren :)

i like many animals

frogo is nice but tode is underrated

i like the heccin sneks

wolfs are heccin cute

same for bear, too

i don know why i like squid but i like squish

i liek cockroach frens and snail frens

slug frens are very shy

crow frens are cute birbs

Fuck mongooses.

badger is cute and frens with fox

Honey badgers deserve death

africa wild dogs are heccin cute

seal is cute


and hikoree horn devil is cute despite being spiny

Oh fren you need to hydrate you are looking very off