Homesick for a place I'm not even sure exists anymore frens

86  2019-05-07 by TCasp7


Where, fren?

Maybe it was just a dream fren. When I was young I remember everything being better, and more frens everywhere. Now so many nonfrens. Was is it always this way? Where did all the frens go? Why do the nonfrens keep coming?

What's the dream, fren, that I might go there

I once heard that nonfrenly times create even frenlier times. We'll get through this together fren! We're gonna spread the frenliness :)

Wakanda forever, fren!

Major Fren

What you doing all up there come here to frenworld.

Ground Control to Major Fren~ Ground Control to Major Fren~ Take your frenly pills and put your helmet on

Rocket fren
