Hewo frens, I am too scared to tell cute grill frens i wuv them because i don't wike risking good frens... can a good fren give advice 2 me plz :): ??

17  2019-05-07 by Windowsmeandme


This is so offensive. How are you neo nazis allowed on this sub.

How is this offensive fren :c ??
I love girl and i am too scared to tell them and I ask for help from other fren, I do not hate anyone!

Can you plz elaborate fren or non fren? I am very confuse...

You are literally opressing people who are sociopaths and are unable to feel love, just like everyone else at my favorite sub. r/topmindsofreddit .

So everyone who has girlfren is oppressing people who cant feel love?? I do not understand??

I am trying to tell a fren i have feeling for them! I do not mean to oppress i am sorry if I come off that way :cc i jus wun advice to tell them i feel 4 them.. can we be fren and sort this out? i do not want to be mean to anyone, fren or not!

Fren I think he's been a silly sarcastic fren :P

Ah! That make cents! I wuz very confuse haha

/s in case its not obvious frens

Don’t be scared of grills Fren, they’re great for making dinner

Thank fren :))) how should i tell them i care 4 them? just say u good fren and i wan be better fren??

Give them hugs my fren, or make them some breakfast once in a while, treat them like a real princess fren.

You better be talking about barbecues fren

Fren, if you honestly think it could work and would go somewhere then go for it! Hope things work out fren.

Thank fren :)) this make my day!

Anything for frens!

Just go for it fren! If they were good frens anyways, if it doesn't work out it's all good, you can always still be frens. There is no frenzone as long as you are truly frens :) And keep working on being a better fren!

Thank fren, that is very true :)))! There can never be too much frenship!!!

Heres some advice fren: doggo speak is faggy and against the rules on the sidebar

But if you want a girlfren, roll over to her and say: "I'm that gorilla-dick fren, I make dyke pussy wet"

Fren please do not talk like this

tone down the uwuspeak fren

You are literally opressing people who are sociopaths and are unable to feel love, just like everyone else at my favorite sub. r/topmindsofreddit .