Hello frens, I decided to try and defend myself respectfully from the nonfrens at r/TopMindsOfReddit. They ignored my post completely and called me a Not see anyway. Just ignore the nonfrens, frens, they will stop at nothing to destroy us!

57  2019-05-07 by turtletort626


saying The_Donald is just a bunch of idiots is pretty nonfrenly, fren.

You've got to learn to be concise fren, when you write a novel like that one all the non-frens will just make fun of you instead of reading what you had to say

Thank you for trying, fren, but I think using big words hurt their brains too much and they got scared of you because they couldn’t understand. :(

While you have a good point fren, a lot of people won't want to read something this long. If you want people to read something, don't make it this long.

just call them faggots that can't bench the bar. they know you're right

No! Frenliness above all

Frenliness is reserved for frens and frenworld