The frensexual flag

3946  2019-05-07 by ScuffedRomanReigns


It’s great because none of those are accurate

I've got a moderation queue so full of noise from these false flags that it takes forever to go through everything.

That's their strategy, too. Come here, say a bunch of racist shit, and report all the other comments. Report that we "allow" the racist shit to the Admins, and then we get banned for being racist.

Could you even imagine spending your time false flagging a frog subreddit?

It makes them happy because they are evil nonfrens

Shame on them and thanks for being such a great mod, you guys often go unappreciated so i wanted you to know i value your work


thank you for your service fren

Just bopped almost 20 nonfrens in the report queue.

If you report nonfrens I thank you for your service.


it's beutiful fren

Just like you fren

When is fren pride month? I want to celebrate frenliness with all my frens!

Every month is fren pride month

Then let us celebrate! The water is on me tonight, frens!

Stay hydrate, frens


Wait thats a sub

Frens, we must obfuscate our networks so we can avoid the bop.

We colonize new waters.

Can we get an F for r/waterniggas, it's quarantined.


pearl clutching noises

F ren


Nah it's a really old sub


Fren pride world wide!



And a "top kek" to you too, am I right, fellow pede?

I am based on red pills today!

Come on man, don't take my epic gamer memes away

Kek was a WoW meme :(

It doesnt matter if you're light green, green or dark green you are a fren.

underrated comment

This but unironically.

This but ironically, fren.

Nonfren, but ironically.

spoken like a true fren



FREN pride world wide!

That's soo frēn!

The white line is my favourite part.

I really didnt want to go in this area fren, but it seems that your diagnosis is making you think like one of those NPCs

Good job, fren. This beautiful flag looks even better up on the flagpole.

It's FB Cover Pic sized ;)

Wow fren, it's a beautiful day. Good day to you.

And to you, fren!

ah yes, the old !wave

Indeed. : D

E X P A N D frog


fren how did you move so fast???????


Does this pair well with a kekistan flag?

No, fren.

Ah thank you. Why am I getting downdoots, fren? Was I being a bad fren?

I don’t know fren. I guess the people here don’t want to be associated with them.

Heck I thought Kekistanis were frens too


A vocal minority can change many people’s minds

I want a vase with this pattern.

I love you all frens!

You're all my frens but I don't like you in a frensexual way tho no offense

This could be a minion

I feel proud fren, nice flag!

This is the absolute pinnacle of Vexillology.

Wow fren. Very cool!

let's parade for a show of colors, frens!

Good flag, fren!

Reddit has become 4chan

And that's a good thing

And here's why

Fren, what is 4chan and why is there four of them?

this is what the flag of kekistan should've looked like

We must have a #frenpridemarch



Can a Fren be bi and frensexual?


It reminds me of the Master Control Fren.

Good job, fren. This beautiful flag looks even better up on the flagpole.

Wow fren, it's a beautiful day. Good day to you.

ah yes, the old !wave