I don't think the girl I like likes me back frens

129  2019-05-07 by HisRoyalDumbass


Girl probably like nonfrens only. Some girls not trad anymore fren.

It’s ok fren. People like who they like. Just because she does not like you does not mean you are unlikeable. She is just not the one for you. You are awesome and great fren. Do not worry.

Fuck, I needed to hear that. Thanks fren.

We’re here for you fren.

hey fren, dont worry. we are all your frens and we like you.

Sometimes it takes a while to find a good girl fren! The right one is there for you, there's a plan for you fren :) Don't forget we all like you here fren. Keep being the great fren you are and becoming an even better fren!


Must be a clown

They never do, they never do...

Its okay fren, you'll find a girlfren that appreciates you for who you are one day!!! All good frens and such come with time, don't be sad

Same is happening to me fren, you can get over it fren, I will get over it too fren, we will take care of your fren.

Fren, this happened to me recently and I know how it feels but I assure you we will find our true loved ones.

Frens, your missing the part where our fren says he thinks! Op fren, you need to ask her! I would suggest you drop it in a conversation, but make sure you have some talking points after Incase she frenzones you. If you don’t have talking points, it can get really awkward afterword and make the whole fren ship awkward. And if she says No, tell her no worries, and keep being frens.

If you like her still sometime after, keep at her! Maybe compliment her here and there, and just generally make sure she knows your still interested. And if you lose interest, then you still have her as a good fren to chat with! The important part is making sure the girl you like knows you like her.

Hey at least she didn’t say “sorry for leading you on, I found someone else”. That happened to me. 4 days ago. Please end me.

Plenty of frens in the world, don't worry fren

Ask her fren, wats the worst that can happen?

girls are gay fren.

It's okay fren, it is just natural selection fren, it's how it's supposed to be.

It's ok fren. Dont waste ur affections on someone who doesnt return them

It’s ok fren, we are frens with you, we all here are. You will be ok fren, we support you.

maybe get off braincels and foreveralone would help your outlook and your attractiveness

It’s ok Fren

I like you fren!