remember to stay hydrated frens!

462  2019-05-07 by Holmdesu


frenworld says no! To empty calories

You dont look too good fren. Mau I suggest getting a healthy amount of potassium. Apricots are really good for that.

He looks great fren, it's just the camera angle. But that's some great health advice. I'll try and get some apricots at the store, thanks!

me too fren! i need to get healthy!

Get well soon fren.

Let's get healthy together fren :)


F for our hydrated frens at r/waterniggas

Our frens at r/waterniggas2 are still keeping it real

r/hydrohomies is where it’s at

There’s also r/saltz

What happened to our frens at /r/waterniggas?

They got banned just for having “nigga” in their name. Reddit truly is a overtaken by not-nice frens.


With this attack by top minds I don’t understand why we don’t just migrate to a different site, we are not welcome. :’(

Those freniggas got quarantined.

Hydration... H2O... HHO... Honk Honk O...

O is the 15th letter of the alphabet... 15 words. 1 word more hateful than the 14 words. Frens, I don't know the code so well yet :(




Good idea thanks for reminding me fren glug glug glug


Great idea fren!

can I have some water pls