Nonfrens want to destroy this.

711  2019-05-07 by HotelMohelHolidayInn


Nonfrens hate us frens for supporting families of all races and sexualities :(

Non frens don’t want us to create more frens. #StopFrenocide

nonfrens stop believing in biggest fren in the sky. end of days soon fren :-(


Not an alt-right sub btw

You're right fren it's not an alright sub, it's a great sub!

Absolutely fren. This post isn't at all about white genocide. It's just a meme!

Sorry but that picture is of green people

You can pretend all you want, but I'm not blind.

Within the first page of the OP's post history:

He's afraid of "diversity" "replacing" him.


It's not about the sub, you brainlet, it's about the content of the post. Why not just come out and say what you believe? Are you that much of a snowflake that you can't handle when people criticize your actual beliefs?

Tell me a story of loot and plunder, fren.


>tfw wanting a happy family is literally evil

You sound like a very hateful person, nonfren.

It's Okay to Be Green

We're here

We're Green

and we're frenly.


Nice strawman. Read the post. But then again, you probably agree with him.

Don't accuse others of strawman when you start by calling a picture of a green frog family alt-right.

Yep it's altright because of the intention. If I posted a picture of a jug of milk as a symbol for white pride, it wouldn't be any less of an altright post just because there are people who drink milk who aren't altright. Learn to read between the lines fren.

Yep it's altright because of the intention

We got the mind corps among us.

You should be using your abilities for good not evil.

Actually, I know the intention because I looked at his post history, saw a post about white genocide, drew the conclusion that "nonfrens" are the people trying to destroy the white family, and put it here to prove my point. No psychic powers needed.

You post conspiracy theories, nonfren. Lemme find spy glass.

Get help please.

youre delusional

hey hey ho ho, non frens have got to go.


You mean the great replacement..that was litterally published by the U.N?

did... did white people not build london? but who then? the aztecs? AZTECS DID LONDON


loving frenmily = altright


i think you are wrong fren

you guys realise this is a picture of a frog and his family right?

why is having a loving family alt-right?

im sorry your father didnt love you maybe when you grow up you can show your children the love you never received

Yep, and with a caption saying "nonfrens want to destroy this" who do you think nonfrens are in this case? Use a little inductive reasoning especially considering this guy's post history.

im not sure fren. im mentally retarded. you tell me who it is that wants to destroy families


It's okay, I respect every fren!

Even autistic nonfrens such as yourself



Get help, pls


Frens, why nonfren having psychotic episode and thinking sub of frens and frenly chat is bad? Nonfren need to calm down, sounding crazy.

Even the dog fren is smiling :) Fills my heart with frenliness. I think having a troubled family made me unfriendly! Thank God I didn't become a nonfren. Let's work together to stay frenly and have frenly families :)

I'm happy for you fren :)

Yup no nazis here

Could always look at another non fren sub instead of choosing to come here fren.

I love my family unit, am I a nazi fren?

No fren, you're a real fren

Y do nonfrens think a picture of a smiling family is yahtzee game? It's just a happy family with a happy puppy y does this upset nonfrens so explain pls

Nonfrens hate happy frens. they jelly

This sub is at least a slight glimpse of hope that the right can be de-platformed, at least on reddit, if this is what you have to resort to to push ur disgusting agenda

I'm hopeful too, because on our beautiful sub I can deplatform nonfrens like you from spreading your hateful agenda :)

Thank for bop nonfren they worse than honklers

disgusting agenda

Posting helper pics in funny or cute situations

Ok then, nonfren

what the hell are you on about, this sub is literally full of wholeaole posts. why are you wasting your time here

" We must secure the existence of our frens and a future for all frens. " this is literally a david lane quote higher up in the comments. you guys are being too obvious with this one, hide your power level :)

The industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the fren race


Imagine thinking that wanting a nuclear family makes you a Nazi.

Welcome to America 2019

It has goten to de point when if u want a simpel fren family u are a not-see :( but i want to see

We must secure the existence of our frens and a future for frenly children

It's ok to be frenly

They took this from us

Smash the fash


no such thing as nonfren fren


Maybe we could add to it :D

I just moved into an apartment, I have nothing on my wall, me print this out and hang it so me cans see frens each and every day

Gettin marry soon frens, hope to have dis very soon

We must secure the existence of our frens and a future for all frens.

You are being way too obvious here, hide your power level

Obvious about what?


“yup frenworld is just about being wholesome, no alt right here”

No point trying to expose them. Their target audience is retarded teenagers, anyone with with a bit of intelligence knows whats up

Would you like your Nobel peace prize in your mail box?


Having no male or female influence in childhood can be detrimental to a kids mental development. This is a fact. Why do nonfrens think it's alt right to agree with this simple fact.

can confirm. frental development was tragically skewed as result

byootiful frens!

It's not about the sub, you brainlet, it's about the content of the post. Why not just come out and say what you believe? Are you that much of a snowflake that you can't handle when people criticize your actual beliefs?

Actually, I know the intention because I looked at his post history, saw a post about white genocide, drew the conclusion that "nonfrens" are the people trying to destroy the white family, and put it here to prove my point. No psychic powers needed.

It's okay, I respect every fren!

Even autistic nonfrens such as yourself



Get help, pls
