Silense as a tool to determin frens, bcuase you can chill wit frens in silens and okay but non-frens in silens is awkward or wors. Powerful tool, silense

12  2019-05-07 by Sachyriel


Wow interesting point fren! Although maybe it could just be when you're newfrens you might feel a bit chatty :) Or some frens could be just chatty frens!

TY, there can be nuance to the phrase, but the gif was for laughs. There's no pepe, it still kinda works.

Why are you writing like that?

I don't have a frenworld accent yet, so if I stick out then yes.

You sound great fren :)

The glasses didnt land on his eyes fren!

That's part of why it's so funny though. Humour relies on the unexpected. People think they're afraid of the unknown, until it surprises them and turns out to be frenly.

Very wise fren

Fren what do I do if silens is awkward when I’m by mise elf?

Then you have to change something. Take a walk outside, you know with the sun, you will feel a bit different. Take a shower, you will feel different (take a beer in the shower, the experience is worth it in my opinion). But since that feeling arises from you judging yourself, refuting that judgement is also acknowledging it's truth.

If you're judging yourself too harshly then the motivation to live up to your own expectations arises from within. You want to be the kind of person you want to be around. If the motivation to change does not arise from within then consider it an order.

Draw your favourite animal, if you're not talented with a pencil don't worry. With practice you'll get better, and that alone is worth making the change. Keep track of that progress, looking back lets you see how far you've come.

Listen to a different type of music, not all the time, but to shake things up. If the only constant thing in life is change, is that a blues song or an experimental rap song by some underground artist?

Silens by yourself can be awkward, I get that too. But it's only because you have good taste, and no one lives up to their own expectations all the time. We're not all jet-setting playboys who can do whatever we want with whomever we want whenever.

The awkwardness goes away when you count your blessings and consider your achievements. It'll be back, and in greater numbers. But if you listen to me, change it up to do something diff, and be proud of making that change. Your perception of yourself will be less awkward, more comfortable in your own skin, lemme know how it works out.

I'll have more orders for you if you do, but no promises.

Wow. Thanks. I needed this, I’ve been going through a rough patch switching between middle and high school and losing all of my friends (I only had 3, none went to my high school, in total only 4 people from my middle school went to my high school) and have really been struggling to keep up with schoolwork in most of my classes, I’ve been trying rowing but have had to deal with bullying there and have had no help from the coach when it comes to at least stopping bullying, let alone team building (and this is on top of being the weakest person there, I have good form but it’s completely useless because I can’t exert enough force to keep up with anyone in my weight class, being literally a pound over being a lightweight, weighing 151 pounds and with that number only going up as I improve but the gap between everyone else and me doesn’t change either so nothing is really accomplished). and I haven’t really been able to relax, having so much pressure from my parents to keep up with schoolwork I end up in a worse state than I would have been before but at the same time I know they just want to help so I don’t say anything and just try and make them proud. I’ll give these methods a shot, hopefully they’ll help, and thanks for reading this, I’m sure it just seems like ranting but I really appreciate what you said here fren.

You need more change than just drawing your favourite animal, but I'm glad you let that out, sounds like you were holding it in. I'm just a rando on the internet, you should really tell your parents that rowing is hard, and you're looking for encouragement.

The one pound over thing, yeah that's really arbitrary, do you row recreationally? Ask your father to get on a canoe with you, just row, go fishing if he's into fishing. You're probably a better rower than him (?) so let him know you want to be captain on the canoe, it'll help. It's something you can both be proud of, if he's got the time (don't take it the wrong way if he declines).

As to being bullied, I've been bullied too, but I was also the bully sometimes. So IDK if they treat all their rowers that way or just you, but you should get a place to row without being bullied. If you see rowing as a fun activity (and it is, but I'm more of a kayak person cause then I get to go wherever I want, my choice not the canoes) then of course being bullied makes it not fun. So you need another space, to reclaim your enjoyment of the activity.

Your dad, or your mom, can definitely help with expanding your opportunities to row, though if you think about it maybe more rowing ain't what you need, that is a suggestion (not an order).

Tell your parents if they're going to remind you to do your school work (which is important) they could also offer to help. But also instead of relying on your parents for everything (maybe just the rowing) you will want to sign up for homework clubs to make new friends. If your school has an afterschool program, there's a great place.

As an adult I can't tell you it's hard to make friends. My newest friends are from my last job, though I don't work there any more and all our contracts are over (only one person works there from our group now) we stay in touch. I'm nearly 30, but when I see other people talking about how hard it is to make friends as an adult I know what they're talking about, but I have succeeded, and I think others can too.

In school you have more opportunities to make friends, who can of course help you with the stress of school. Don't bring up politics or religion the first time you meet someone, that kinda thing is something I wish I knew in high school, I sounded like a douchebag cause to me everything was political.

Get some friends, living well is the best revenge so if you get new friends your old friends will notice. Don't hold it against them, that happens in life, friends drift apart.

If you didn't know already you can just give up a bit of homework, but it should be less than 5%. If you find yourself justifying not doing 25% of your math homework that will grow and then you're not doing half, not doing most, and finally not doing any. But keep a strict limit on how much homework you don't do.

Ok, got it. Thanks for the tips, I’ll keep these in mind as I go forward in life. I really appreciate this

You need more change than just drawing your favourite animal, but I'm glad you let that out, sounds like you were holding it in. I'm just a rando on the internet, you should really tell your parents that rowing is hard, and you're looking for encouragement.

The one pound over thing, yeah that's really arbitrary, do you row recreationally? Ask your father to get on a canoe with you, just row, go fishing if he's into fishing. You're probably a better rower than him (?) so let him know you want to be captain on the canoe, it'll help. It's something you can both be proud of, if he's got the time (don't take it the wrong way if he declines).

As to being bullied, I've been bullied too, but I was also the bully sometimes. So IDK if they treat all their rowers that way or just you, but you should get a place to row without being bullied. If you see rowing as a fun activity (and it is, but I'm more of a kayak person cause then I get to go wherever I want, my choice not the canoes) then of course being bullied makes it not fun. So you need another space, to reclaim your enjoyment of the activity.

Your dad, or your mom, can definitely help with expanding your opportunities to row, though if you think about it maybe more rowing ain't what you need, that is a suggestion (not an order).

Tell your parents if they're going to remind you to do your school work (which is important) they could also offer to help. But also instead of relying on your parents for everything (maybe just the rowing) you will want to sign up for homework clubs to make new friends. If your school has an afterschool program, there's a great place.

As an adult I can't tell you it's hard to make friends. My newest friends are from my last job, though I don't work there any more and all our contracts are over (only one person works there from our group now) we stay in touch. I'm nearly 30, but when I see other people talking about how hard it is to make friends as an adult I know what they're talking about, but I have succeeded, and I think others can too.

In school you have more opportunities to make friends, who can of course help you with the stress of school. Don't bring up politics or religion the first time you meet someone, that kinda thing is something I wish I knew in high school, I sounded like a douchebag cause to me everything was political.

Get some friends, living well is the best revenge so if you get new friends your old friends will notice. Don't hold it against them, that happens in life, friends drift apart.

If you didn't know already you can just give up a bit of homework, but it should be less than 5%. If you find yourself justifying not doing 25% of your math homework that will grow and then you're not doing half, not doing most, and finally not doing any. But keep a strict limit on how much homework you don't do.