I am a Gay, black Muslim Trans Socialist, I need frens is anyone willing to be my fren?

75  2019-05-07 by PleaseCensormeDaddy


Non frens think we hate everyone. Are they right? or can they just not handle the frenlyness.

That’s a frenly coincidence

How irony that you are more welcome here than when you were over there.

Don't be ashamed just for being yourself, fren. We love you just the way you are!

We’re all frens here.

We all frens

Best of frens

Here you can only identify as fren

Username doesn’t check out

Sounds like Bernie Frenders would be your best fren


Of course fren! Fren love has no limits!

Luckily, all the bad things about you can be cured!

There is only one race fren, the Frenrace

Don't mind his unfrenliness. Some bad apples get in here. We're happy to have you!

Curing his socialism would make him more frenly, not a different race. I thought the other sub assumed racist things :(

not very frenly :(

How so

Not accepting frens for who they are

It's hard to accept socialist frens

No excuses.

So half of the population is bad because they believe in a different way of ruling? Because that's pretty amazingly dense, most people choose their political views because they wholehartedly believe it's going to make the world a better place.

I have no clue if I'm right or left and I don't care for politics. For important decisions in my country I fill in a questionaire and a couple parties roll out and I check if I don't extremely disagree with their other statements and plop I've found my vote which differs all the time.

Yes, it's evil. How many hundreds of millions of people died in the last 100 years to prove it.

Yeah because of a handful of people, not half the population of earth. And even that handful of people truly believed it would make the world a better place.

Yes, the bad guys usually think ethnic cleansing is a good thing. They think mass murder is a good thing. If you agree with them, I don't know that to tell you.

Of course I don't think mass murder is a good thing, but that's not only what makes a person good or bad (it's debatable if mass murder is a good or bad thing, 500 years ago it was morally okay and not seen as evil, now it isn't, who knows what it's like in the future just to show that it depends on context) context is important too and what the person intents to do.

Someone (a sweet old lady with lack of education, could be anyone) could be saving all foxes because they think they do good with that, but if that causes a massive increase in fox population which then hunt some species to extinction you did more bad than good while having the intention of helping. Do you get what I mean? Either way please stop thinking in black and white (or is implying black to be the opposite of white bad too?) and start looking at things from more than one perspective instead of being an ignorant nobody.

Sidenote: I got banned right away on some anti facist side sub (forgot which one) for making a not even that controversial comment, more trying to get people to think for themselves than anything and here you who got massively downvoted aren't. And I absolutely despise censorship so that def did not leave a good impression on me.

Lol @ it being debatable if mass murder is a good or bad thing. You trolled me, you win.


those arent bad things, fren, or should i say nonfren

Theres no such thing as a hyphenated frens. You fren or nonfren.

u can only be fren here, we fren do not ifrenify as anything but fren

Lol I was posting that my self to gaming, and chapo

That’s not very frenly


Frenworld is for everyone regardless of sexuality, race, religion, or political beliefs.

Yes it certainly is fren

We love to share frenliness fren. We also like to encourage our new frens healthy and fun hobbies and interests, so they can be a better fren to themselves and others!

None of that matters here, you’re either a fren or a non fren.

You can always change

we are all frens regardless of race, religion, gender or sexuality. You're safe with us <3

we love u fren <3 regardless of your skin colour, religion or sexual orientation :-)

We are all frens no matter what. It is the code of the fren manifesto


Please be my fren!

Not accepting frens for who they are

No excuses.

So half of the population is bad because they believe in a different way of ruling? Because that's pretty amazingly dense, most people choose their political views because they wholehartedly believe it's going to make the world a better place.

I have no clue if I'm right or left and I don't care for politics. For important decisions in my country I fill in a questionaire and a couple parties roll out and I check if I don't extremely disagree with their other statements and plop I've found my vote which differs all the time.