Look frens, I found a cool eye mask in my moms room.

113  2019-05-07 by PleaseCensormeDaddy


Fren, that's a cool looking mask

thanks fren, my mom has many of them I can share with you

yu shuld put on 1 of her skinni bandanas, fren

I was running around the neighborhood like a superhero and everyone was laughing at how cool I was, it was a great day fren.

Fren! That’s no eye mask! You should give to to me for safekeeping

No fren! that is not safe! you might lose it! let me keep it!

My Grandma has some too, you can have those fren

fren be careful those have gross bacteria

Cool mask fren! You should see if she has a black one, then you could be like batfren!

Fren, take that mask off. You can’t see, and if you can’t see, you might hurt yourself. Cut holes in it fren, and you will see. Looks great though my fren.