Any frens tried mind opening substances?

14  2019-05-07 by Epichawks


I used to smoke weed here and there. I'm glad I didn't do it when i was in high school, it messes with your brain a little. Still glad I tried it though, gave me a different way to look at things.

I have tried everything under the sun, but the one thing that i truly loved was lsd. So comfortable to take and no hangover or anything. Literally everything becomes amazing and everything comes alive. Thoughts get weird and everything feels amazing. I'm still careful though. Max once per half year and only in a safe setting with good friends.

I've eaten tons of Mushrooms, I used to eat them once a week or every few days but the tolerance just builds up too quick, 4 days after a 1gram trip I ate 6grams and barely felt anything, now I wait minimum 1 week otherwise its just a waste.

Have you tried mushrooms and how do they compare to LSD?

Tried a bit, only got a bit more visuals than the lsd, and for me it was not worth the extra risk with getting something organic which is easier to find for the toll agents.

Definately more visuals with shroomies as far as cost/effect. Problem is they upset your stomach more than lsd and it is literally food poisoning. I prefer LSD.

I've actually never had any nausa with mushrooms, I eat golden teachers fresh and dried and have never had issues, a lot of people complain about the taste as well but thats something else I've never been bothered by.

The only problem I have is not leaving it long enough between doses and wasting them haha.

Maybe you’re used to them. For me, when I puke I know they’re good shroomies and then start tripping balls. LSD just feels so much more pure to me. Such a tiny amount and you’re good. To each his own though, fren.

On a side note, I remember taking e, shroomies, and lucy all in the same day when I went to EDC. Had a fucking BLAST!

Thats the thing, I only had my first trip in Feb, I do have issues making lemon tec etc I cant seem to trip of the liquid I make even with the help over at /r/shrooms.

Anything other than weed and xtc is hard to get where I am and I dont have any interest in those because they raise my heart beat to scary levels it just bothers me.

I have to say tho its hard for me to strike the right balance between a fun giggly 1hr trip and a decent 2 - 3hr trip.

My first ever trip was the best, about 8hrs and really like, I hate using this term but "Mystical" introspective, enlightening.

taking e, shroomies, and lucy

theres a name for that right? CandyJump or Candyrush or something? I'd defo love to try LSD tho if I could be confident in the purity of it.

Does LSD build a rapid tolerance like shrooms do? or could you hypothetically take 1 tab or what ever they call it once a day and trip to the same level? (not that I'd do that)

Check out r/LSD for tips on getting it from the dark web.

In my opinion LSD does build a tolerance but only if you do A LOT.

Sounds like your supplier may not have very potent shit? IDK.

IT’s called candyflipping bruh! AMAZING!

Sounds like your supplier may not have very potent shit? IDK.

I use grow kits haha, they're fine when I eat them just cant seem to lemon tek.

IT’s called candyflipping bruh! AMAZING!

I guess its more for partying and such? me and my friends do them around a camp fire when he go hiking to 2 or 3 days in the country side we drink a little but aren't into much else, I've tried a few different drugs but I generally only enjoy mushrooms and alcohol tho never usually together

Oh nice. That’s cool you grow your own!

Yeah it’s totally for partying. I went to EDC and had the time of my life candyflipping and riding the rides! Hahaha


I've tried lsd. I had a good trip, however later I've come to regret doing it. On the other hand I'd probably be wondering to this day how it makes you feel, so it's kind of a mixed bag.

Why do you feel like you've come to regret it?


never tried substances of any kind

where i’m from they’ll bop you really bad if they catch you

like neck rope bop

Oh, that's a bit worse than having to go pee somewhere once a month for half a year.

haven’t stopped people trying to bring them in tho

I used to but I got addicted to pot for a while and I took other substances that were laced with worse substances. Almost killed me and my frens

Oh, number one rule for me after having tried a lot is no more hard substances and no making it regular. Trying to avoid addiction and laced stuff as best as i can.

I found that being frenly and taking the frenpill helps me the most, with the best results! Nonfren pills, while they can be fun at times, they never last, and can come with nonfrenly effects sooner or later. My fave is the frenpill :)

Frenpill is the most mind opening substance!

Lucy is frenly so long as you are in a good mood and setting. Only downside is that you have to hangout with her all day without any breaks so it can be a bit exhausting.