how to get an girl fren

11  2019-05-07 by boi41968

I want a girl fren how to get one? Thanx frens


just talk to girls

dont be mean, just try and start a casual conversation

try and look confident

then you have a female fren :)

if u want female fren to screw that’s a different story

Okay, thank you internet fren <3

Be upfront with your intentions Fren.

And always remember to put yourself first.

put myself first? I have always heard people say put the other first Fren

This is after you make her a super fren. In today’s climate you can’t do that right away or you’ll come across weak? and nonfrens will take advantage of your frenlyness

Ohh okay, thanks for the heads up Fren <3

Ask her to smoke weed

she does but I don’t :( should I start smonking weed Fren?

If you don’t want to then don’t push it, there are other frenly activities besides weed 🙂

She’s caught up in clown games. She’s not a real fren.

Smoking might get her in the mood.

Be the best fren you can be. Work on yourself and make sure you are looking for a girl fren, and not a nonfren girl - that would be a disaster. To find a nice girl fren you have to be a nice fren yourself, and you'll have good things happening in no time!

In my frenly advice don't be looking for unfrenly things like drugs and drinking to find girl fren. You'll end up with a nonfren girl and end up bopping yourself. You don't want that! And always stay optimistic and frenly, all your frens here want the best for you :)

Be Chad

i herd you have to grab her by her baby cat

what do I do after that