I joined the Frenperial Guard today frens im going to bop nonfrens who try to raid our home

105  2019-05-07 by -KAON-


Thank you for your service fren

this fren wants everyone here to feel safe. the frenperial guard is the least corrupt branch of the frenperium military. the fren isn't the biggest or strongest but his heart is in the right place and that is what matters.

new frens are frens and i know he has his frens backs.

Godspeed fren.

For the Frenperor

F em up fren

Begone imperialistic scum. The eldar want the best for all

Go away you xenofren

F-fren, what are you doing with those spikey wheels?

Good luck Fren, I hope you will find yourself a cutey SOB.

