Againsthatesubreddits/Topminds poster was unfrenly to me before deleting his account :(

41  2019-05-07 by StrikingPost


Edit: He didn't delete account, he just got bopped.

Who is it that you tagged and why?

Oh it’s a bot that tells what political subs people post in and their post karma. From that it tells how much someone leans left or right. Basically I did it because I wanted to see if they posted in TMOR/Againsthate without going through all of their comments/posts. For some reason the bot was banned from that specific subreddit so it didn’t work.



u/userleanbot strikingpost

These people always seem to be obsessed with other people having sex, preferably gay sex.

Hell yeah fuck me in the ass

Okay thanks for the response fren!
