I have uncovered a plot, this non fren wants to end us, frens unite

21  2019-05-06 by JuulGang42069


Stay vigilant fren! Many non frens are posing as frens, and trying to get us bopped :O

Sad day for fren world, we must stay strong fren, it’s boogaloo time

Yes, i will turn my me163b godspeed flying dorito

Oh another note, imagine how nonfrenly you must be to get bopped from chanpo

Just, Dont pick a fite. Bring peace and love. We shall not let corruption take apu’s subreddit over fren

Agreed, am just helping the frens wake up and see the conspiracy to bop us

Conspiracy?? sounds like astigmatism to me fren

hahHahahAhAhHahHahah! The non fren is hilarious and a loser! I think he has a big lack of frens!

This is the weirdest sub Reddit I’ve ever seen you guys are childish nazis

Says the guy who plays fortnite lmao

i feel sorry for nonfrens like this... his life must be really sad if he spends his free time like this...

Ask him why