What the fuck is this pussy ass shit lol

0  2019-05-06 by WellEnDowJones

You guys are gayer than the chapos




Shut up fag


Spoken like a true beta

I’m sure you are very strong and intelligent

I would rape you in a self-defense situation if my life depended on it

Pull up , normie

If your going to barge your unfrenly head in here then at least explain what's wrong.

You're all gay

And retarded

You talk like fags

Well this is quite ironic isnt it

Eh. Could be worse.

Lol username. Is this bizarro world or something?

Y so unfrenly :( this is world for frens

Fuck you pussy, I hope your dad rapes you

Sorry fren no violent ass raping allowed here. Maybe fren preper /r/pansieswithnocock instead? https://i.imgur.com/LwABeez.jpg

Why the fuck do you talk like that

Why the fuck you talk about raping mans poopers fren?

Aye you finna get beaned nonfrun!! >:(

talk to my frens like that again and i'll bop you myself

I’m sure you are very strong and intelligent