Got 94 on state exam, wana celebrate with me frens?

266  2019-05-06 by BertEarns


Yes my fren! Celebrate we must!!!!

Awesome fren! Let’s party!

Proud of you fren! Love frens doing well. I'll get some popcorn :)

Popcorn is the best! I’ll bring the hot sodas fren

Careful, you might want to cool those sodas off first.

I will fren, I make sure to take out of can first too Don’t worry. Made that mistake first time

I can bring some candy!

Awesome fren I love candy!

good job fren now we have some smart frens to help in maffs homework

Am not good at maffs fren but thank you! maybe their are big brane frens On here that can do maffs for us

Good job fren, hard work pays off.

Thanks fren!

What exam did you take?

My nursing management hesi exam fren, hesi exams can be a real nonfren, but I have it the bop

That's great to hear fren!

Thanks fren!

Frens seem to have more brains than the top minds!

Thank you fren! See topnonfrens, we don’t play yahtzee all day, We study and are big branes. thanks for the love fren

All hail fren!

Than you fren!

Congrats fren! I only hav ramen tho, sorry

That’s ok fren as long as your here that’s all that counts

Congrats fren!

Thank you fren!

Many smart young frens here

well done. Our freen friends are the best and smartest.

Thank you fren!

Congratulations fren

Thanks fren!

You’re so impressive fren keep up the good work

Thank you fren, couldnt do it with out frens like u