Should we start preparing a website of our own incase the nonfrens bop Frenworld? Sort of like Argentina. I could help.

43  2019-05-06 by Mr_Piggens


A fren world website would be cool frens... I wish I could help but I don’t know a lot about websites.

I know a lot about websites, and have a lot of experience with them. I could start working on it if a whole bunch of people want it to happen.

Yes please, a simple forum

This is a really great idea :D

Thanks, fren.

Do it fren! Don’t let your dreans b dreems

This could be fantastic fren! I'm wondering if there's some forum software similar to reddit (with tree comments) that wouldn't be too hard to run. In case we get bopped!

like Clup Peengin but for frens?

Y e s

Club Fren

i'd sign up but I dont wanna be banned for saying a bad word like clb peengin did. i was just expressing myself, fren :(

Club Frenguin.



Hiding out in Argentina? Is this a Yahtzee reference. Bad fren no using mischievous innuendos

OP here. So, it looks like a decent amount of people want this to happen. Once I get a large amount of support (showing that everyone wants this), I'll start working on it. I've thought about making my own forum site, so maybe the Frenworld forum could be a part of it.

Yes please, a simple forum