we can be frens, we just need to be extra frenly. i'm not banned on topminds and had some good talks with them because i just want more frens to be frenly with.

16  2019-05-06 by glenist12


They banned me for frogposting even though i didnt post any frogs

I just wanted to have a discussion and generaly be their fren

Dont trust them nonfrens, they pretend to be nice but theres nothing but burning hate under that fascade

i would advise that you link posts from here to there and not directly on their subreddit. a little respect can go a long way fren!

Good job for tryin to change their minds we just want to be frenly

we just need to do the right thing fren, this place hasn't been frenly enough with all the bops flying around. i think i made some new frens and that is how we can move forward together, it will just take time and patience.