she tie my shooes :) i cand do it

736  2019-05-06 by ToastFishy


I think she likes you, fren.

you think? maybe i can hab grilfren

Don't get stuck in the frenzone, fren

Frenzone not bad if you have true fren. But if she doesn’t respect you, she isn’t a real fren.

Very nicely put fren

Frenzone happens when you too fake frenly and come across as not a real fren and just trying to get what you want. True frens have respect for all frens, including yourself. If you keep that, it show her you a real fren not a fake fren.

You don't have to write in a silly way to fit in here fren.

As a side note auto correct just capitalized Fren and it looks pretty weird like that.

Get the girl.

Make green babies.

 He must secure the existence of his people and a future for green children.

Splooge a big ass fuckin giant fuckin juicy load on her fuckin face spray jizz all over that stupid fuckin slut bitch whore skank tramp and glaze that thot like a krispy fuckin kreme, Fren.

Krispy Kreme

You crossed a line there, fren.

If that mean what i think I say BOP.


Not very frenly

r/misogyny is that way, chapofuck.

Omg be sweet

I remember this picture from the women appreciation thread. Good times, fren.

Never forget fallen frens

A helping hand is always appreciated


Hey Fren, what's the source? Asking for a fren?

i learned alone how to tie my shoe fren i hope she teach you :)

I remember this on our old frens sub. :(

thanks fren

You look awfully tan fren... No more sun for you

Tan is good, it prevents sunburns
