Can I be your fren?

2  2019-05-06 by please_at_me

I think the Holocaust did happen and it was bad. I think slavery was bad, too.

Am I still allowed to be a friend?


Don't talk about politics.

Just post frogs.

yes fren.


Of course fren.

What's your position on the Holodomor?


Kulaks are non-frens, should've bopped more .

Why'd you edit your answer nonfren?

Had to phrase it in a frenly way, silly goose.


Dont kno wut this is. Is it like the honkocaust?

I think slavery was bad, too.

I think it was worse than you prolly fren, my family has suffered greatly from the effects of slavery

Am I still allowed to be a friend?

If you promis to not be a subversive non fren.


Dont kno wut this is.

So it's friendly to deny the Holocaust?

Wut is it?

Honkler did a very nonfren and bopped 12 million innocents because they were "racially or ideologically impure" in his stated opinion.



Wow 12 million!! Are you sure about that? Lots of people have an irrational fear of clowns, honkler in particular, so I think that might be a bit exaggerated.

Irrational fear is that which is inspired by documented, admitted genocide, right?

Wow you have the documents? Liek Alex jones?

If by "Alex Jones" you mean "Every single person with a working brain born after 1945".

Idk, I've seen people say 17 million or even 20 million clowns got bopped in the honkocaust. Why are you being a denier and claiming it was only 12 million?

Okay it was 20 then - the fuck? Lmao.

Lmao? LMAO?!?!? Is the honkocaust some kind of joke to you? Do clown lives mean so little to you you'll just throw random numbers out there with no care for the reality of the situation?

Do you find this game clever? Lmao

y u playin if you dont like it?

Did the Holocaust happen?

How exaggerated fren

“I also think stealing my labor value is unfrenly”

What a sneky nonfren way to try and steal what a fren hab

Nonfrens are people who steal your labor value and impose inflated costs on you while doing no labor themselves.

No politics or gurls allowed

i mean that has nothing to do with this sub so ok

Idk, some people are expressing otherwise...

ignore them fren they are just trying to be edgy

I thought you wanted to be fren :( you don’t even wanna b fren

the wording is very suspect, fren, but i trust u <3

the labor part is where it gets most suspect, but still, it not as unfrenly as Soros or Topminds

we can be frens <3

it not as unfrenly as Soros or Topminds

Or Trump!

ok this goes from very suspect to VERY SUSPECT

Right-wingers are extremely unfrenly. They do genocide like all the time!

Donny drump is way too liberal and way to beholden to the nosefrens to be a true fren.

Conservatism is a liberal ideology so it makes sense Trump is a liberal.

Thanks for rattling of some random positions fren. Boped

Is that like a moped?

Bop. Next!

Is that like 'top'?

you can be a fren if you assimilate into fren culture. also please read the fucking rules before posting.

nonfrens and creep clowns get BOP

'For it does not matter if a fren is poor fren, rich fren, left fren or right fren - we are all one frens, united in a common struggle against the clowns, to be frenly without fear of the bop! We accept all frens, so please, don't spread unfrenly lies and don't clown around our world!

Nonfrens and unfrenly behavior will be bopped, with extreme prejudice!'

Irrational fear is that which is inspired by documented, admitted genocide, right?

How exaggerated fren

If by "Alex Jones" you mean "Every single person with a working brain born after 1945".

Is that like a moped?

Do you find this game clever? Lmao