I am ready to fight the war of non-fren aggression.

4  2019-05-06 by ApprehensiveHighway5


I will gladly follow General Fren E. Lee into battle!

Even if General Fren E. Lee loses, we should honor his brave sacrifice with a statue so that we will never forget

Me and some frens had a party in Genral Lee's park a few years ago, but now is see it's called market street park. Wut happened?

Some non-frens got mad.

Non frens want to reinvent history. They seem to be good at it.

The only good war is a defrensive war; just be sure we fight for the goodest reasons

Right fren but we must fight to protect fren rights too! Non-frens want to be unfrenly to us and hurt frens.

And that's a good reason to fite! Making sure everyone is safe is a good thing for frens to do :3

Iā€™m but just a simple fren. Maybe I can look after the horses in this war frens?

We can use all the frenly frens we can get!

Just be aware than nonfrens can cherrypick this, fren.

Non-frens cherrypick everything frens do, fren. They are mean to us because they hate frens.

oh no dont let the top retars see this

Don't worry fren. Our frenship will overcome non-fren attacks.

I thought the confederate flag was white? Waved by a bunch of castrated southerners who got ass fucked into the mud by the north? Or are we doing make believe history šŸ˜‚


Why you defend loser flag fren

Frens never lose, fren, as long as we continue to believe in being frenly to frens. We must keep being frenly.